Sunday 15 June 2008

football guy

Equipment day! Sterling waited all week for this. The two football lovers went yesterday and picked up the gear. He had to put everything on and show me and all I could think about was that the rag-tag bunch of kids on his team are going to look hilarious on Tuesday trying to run, stretch and catch. I am going to be laughing my ass off.
The last picture is of the deck railing after Craig goaded Sterling enough to get him to push him. I think Craig was surprised.
I guess it's real now. Yee Gad!


GrmpaGrmma said...

Rough, tough looking mean machine Sterling!! Hope your football practice goes well with all your equipment on. Have fun but be tough!! I'm sure your Dad will show you all the great moves he's made during his football career. Speaking of dad - glad you had a great Father's Day Craig - you are a wonderful dad to your sons. Hope the rest of your plans went well. We just got home from Robert and Barb's place and we met little Kalem for the first time. He is an identical look-alike of his father when Curtis was little. We had a nice visit with them. Tanya was home as well and we got to visit with her too. We finally saw the sun today and hoping for more of it this week. Hope you all have a great week - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

What big shoulders you have!! Looking good Sterling. From the look of the railing, you're the better offence.

Hope you didn't have to use your father's day gift yesterday. That sounds like tooo much work. I hope they work as well as the scissors on that spiral.

The chuckwagon races were great yesterday. The weather was good and the heats were quite exciting. In many of them, the horses and wagons were side by side and the track was pretty crowded. It was a great didn't rain.

Love to all