Wednesday 23 April 2014

Meet Fred

Fred is my potato zombie. He was created in protest with love by Kaedo after having been asked to peel potatoes. A job he apparently does not like. He left Fred sitting on the edge of of the sink as a surprise and I must admit I fell in love. Kaedo thought I would surely throw him down the garberator but alas I have not and now Fred is wearing a beautiful flower in his hair. We are a little concerned about his rapidly advancing age, as he looked youthful as a baby potato straight out of the Earth not a few weeks ago. He makes me smile every time I go to the sink with his witty repartee and joyous voie de vivre. If I didn't know any better I would think he doesn't realize he's a zombie. A potato zombie.


Unknown said...

Does Fred have the smell of rotting flesh about him yet? Gruesome, lol.

GrmpaGrmma said...

Very interesting!!

Back to your post of Tuesday Shannon - I remember you and Stan getting a doggie door put in for your other little guy. If I remember correctly, it didn't turn out to well. Hope this one turns out and Grover gets used to it.

It is beautiful here - snow is gone and hopefully not returning!! Stan got the lawn mowed and put fertilizer on it on Wednesday in the rain. Everything is already looking so fresh.

We just got home from playing walleyball and I'm ready to soak in the tub to get rid of the aches and pains!! It's so much fun playing that the pain is all worth it.

Hope you are all doing well - BIG HUGS TO EVERYONE!