Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Almost there - in more ways than one!

What a Summer! This has been a big one for us! First and foremost - my favorite people in the world are coming home on Sunday! Can you give me a big "Hell Ya!"? Usually I don't sleep the night before but I haven't slept well all week. I can't wait to see them.

Secondly, thanks to my awesome husband, we have transformed our main floor and we are loving it. It is streamlined and great. It is still a work in progress but we have many ideas. Craig has spent SOOOO many hours painting and we almost got to our goal of getting all accomplished. We didn't get one small portion to our office completed and quite frankly the guy is out of steam. The garage door still needs to be done, so I am saving his last bit of willingness for that. Truly, this wouldn't have happened if he hadn't picked up the 
brush and roller and did the painting. 

He is none to happy I am posting this photo but he is so damn cute, I had to. 


This gives you an idea of the big change in color. He painted the main floor - living room, dining room, bathroom, hall to upstairs, upstairs hall, Sterling's room, down the stairs all the way to the basement, and the entry as seen above. 

Once everything was dry, this was the first thing I put up. A coat rack gift from my dad, who made it himself, I might add. This has been hanging in our home since the month after we moved here, which will be 10 years in October. I can't believe it. 

Here are some sneak peeks at the color scheme we chose. Beautiful!

You'll have to come and visit to see what we did with these!

Sneak peek at year 5 gnomie????

Antique milk can from my Aunt. Perfect for the entry. Golf anyone? Umbrella?

Part of my scarf collection. No longer hanging around the newel post.  I know Craig is thrilled.

Our cream separator - all the way from Alberta! Thanks mom and dad. We've had it for years, but it has always been red and outside. No more!

Well, that's it for now. only 3 more WHOLE days before my babies (or should I say babes, based on how cute they are?) will be home. Can't wait.

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

WOW - color scheme looks great!! Can hardly wait to come for a visit to see everything.

Hope you are getting some sleep Shannon because it will take "forever" for your babes to tell you all about their 7 week holiday. I'm sure they are as ready to come home as you two are to having them home. I would love to be there when they give you BIG HUGS! They will still have stains on their shirts from gramma's tears and I'm sure there will be some from mom as well.

It is beautiful here today and I'm just getting ready to walk down to Fabutan to meet my sisters for our day together and a visit with mom. We have all had a very busy summer and it has been a long time since we've all been together - either one or the other have been gone. It will be a busy one trying to catch up on all that we have done. Looking forward to it:)

Hope everyone has a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!