Thursday 22 August 2013

Me and My Guys

As you know, I virtually NEVER post pictures of myself on the blog, for obvious reasons. However, this day, I just wanted a picture of me and my guys and I am actually quite happy with this one.

We've been spending our mornings at the theater as the price is awesome if you go before noon. We went yesterday and this morning. Craig really missed out on today's show. It was fantastic. The.Mortal.Instruments. We all really loved it. I was the only one who wanted to see it but the boys like going to the movies so they decided to tag along. I was willing to go with or without them.

Craig has one more day of work and then some holidays. We've also learned this week that not only will mom and dad be here for Christmas, it is confirmed that Jessica and the girlies will be here too. Lots of noise, lots of fun and Craig will get mashed potatoes!

Hope you're having a good day!

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

Glad to see you on your blog Shannon - it is a very nice picture of the three of you.

Nice spending time with your guys and next week you'll have all 3 home with you.

Sounds like plans are falling together for your Christmas and all before we know it - it is going to be upon us - not liking the idea of the white stuff at all:(

Had my sister Joyce over for supper tonight and then after taking her back to Jim & Roberta's, we went over to celebrate Sheila's 60th b'day and just got home awhile ago.

Had 3 early b'day calls myself today from a special friend, my brother and one cousin. Also received a couple of b'day cards in the mail today so it felt like a very special day for me as well.

Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow - I know I sure will! - BIG HUGS TO ALL!