Friday, 21 September 2012

Week 52 Baby!!!!!

And there is is. Another year over and done. 3 years. How can that be? We took about 10 shots to get this one. We usually only take the one - no messing around with these two pros!
They have officially signed on for another year so we will be introducing a new gnome, retiring this guy and making a new header for the blog.

We have had a hard week here this week, of which I will write more of through the weekend. Some of the things I do want to mention is that we send out our condolences to both my dad and Craig's on the loss of their uncles. We are thinking of you this week.

The boys are off to volunteer setting up for a corn roast that is happening tomorrow. I am proud of them being willing to volunteer. As Sterling hopes to start working in the next couple of months, I am happy he is fulfilling is mandatory volunteer hours before he ends up not having time to volunteer, work and have fun. In saying that, how the hell did I get a son old enough to be ready to work? Good god!


GrmpaGrmma said...

GREAT PHOTO!! Looking forward to being introduced to the new gnome and starting year 4!!

Uncle Ike's funeral is on Monday at 2:00 p.m. We have Stan's cousin and wife coming on Sunday for the funeral. There is the viewing on Sunday so they wanted to be here for that. Not sure if any other cousins are planning on coming. Guess we'll find out on the weekend.

Our condolences to you Denis on the passing of your uncle. Stan's uncle was 82 which these days seems very young.

Good for Sterling & Kaeden to do volunteering. Hope they get in on some of the yummy corn on the cob as well.

We're off to Robert & Barb's tonight to have a Canasta game - men against the ladies. Gord & Sandra will be there as well. Should be a fun Friday evening.

Have a great weekend - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

Hey Sterling, we didn't think you could jump so high. Great photo, both of you.

Our condolences to you Stan. Uncle Leo was 89 and his passing was quite fast. We had a wonderful celebration of his life today in true Lavigne style. It was a garden party and the weather was awesome. There was lots of laughter and wonderful food and drink as well as good memories traded back and forth. It started at 2 and was still going strong when we left to visit Denis's mom's brother around 8. Uncle Roland was thrilled to have us visit and he invited 5 of Denis's cousins and an aunt to come over to greet us. Tomorrow at 10 is the memorial and then we'll all head out for home. We have taken up most of the Best Western here in PA and have been trekking from one room to another. Tomorrow will be an early wake up as breakfast took quite a while to be served today. On that note, good night all and have a great week.

Love to all