Tuesday 4 September 2012

First Day of School

While writing this post and reflecting on a conversation Shannon and I had about not being able to believe we have a son in high school I thought I would dig back into the archives and post the school years in review.  Its crazy looking back on these pictures to see how much the kids have grown.  They have really matured into a couple great kids... (ahem), young men and we are both so very proud of them.



My how they've grown


GrmpaGrmma said...

WHAT A GREAT POST CRAIG! Unbelieveable how much they have grown and are such fun to be with. Glad to have caught Sterling by phone but didn't have luck with Kaeden. Will try again. This year will fly by for them as well.

Hope you're feeling better tomorrow Craig. Glad to hear you had a good day Shannon.

Love you guys lots - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

Great photos, so nice to look back on their photos. Glad they're liking school although Kaeden may never reach that point or admit to it, lol.

Glad to hear you're back at work Craig although another day off might have helped. Look after yourself.

Beautiful weather here but was very cloudy in Calgary yesterday.

You guys have every right to be proud of your two young men, they are super, can't wait to see them again

Love to all
posted by Denis and Irene