Kaedo has a wonderful new teacher at school who is part of an organization that breeds and releases Monarch Butterflies. On top of the fact that that alone is very cool, she built a Butterfly Sanctuary in her classroom. Over the past week she has been teaching the students how to feed the butterflies. Kaedo explained to her that his gramma loved butterflies and could he tape himself feeding one so she could see. His teacher invited gramma to come to class to learn herself but when Kaedo explained that she lived far away, she bent the rules and allowed him to use his phone to tape the feeding.
To say he was thrilled is an understatement. He has spoken about the experience many times in the last few days. He also told us that on Friday she made him a "Butterfly Teacher" so he could teach other kids how to feed them.
The video is long - over 2 minutes, but it is worth the watch. While you don't see his face, it is Kaedo holding the butterfly.
They use an open paperclip to sweep under the butterflies mouth to make the tongue (it has a long name but I can't remember what it is) come out. The tongue is almost as long as the legs. They drink with the tongue and taste with the legs. It is really so cool. You'll see that when he dips the butterfly in the second dish of water it is to clean its legs off so they aren't sticky (a sugar solution is in the first dish). I am so impressed with this teacher and look forward to meeting her this week at parent night. What a wonderful gift to give these children.
OH MY GOSH KAEDEN!!! I am so impressed - the Monarch butterfly is my absolute favorite butterfly and to think that you got to do all that with it. By holding on to it's wings, does that hurt them at all? Just wondering - you did a wonderful job - you Butterfly Teacher. Thank you for thinking of me - it made it feel like I was almost there. Give your teacher a big hug from me for letting you do that Kaeden (oh I know, you won't hug her but do thank her for letting you do that okay.) Sounds like that teacher is going to be one of your favorite teachers. Hope the year goes really well for you.
Good luck Sterling with the sports you're trying out for. Hope you don't get too sick with that silly old cold. Good luck to you as well Kaeden with the school soccer team.
We just got home from an hour walk and it is 8:20 p.m. and it's still +22. It has been a gorgeous day today but we spent most of it inside watching both football (YEH ROUGHRIDERS!) and then ladies golf - very interesting and we will have to find out the results of that match tomorrow morning.
Hope things go well for you Shannon and get over that cold Craig. Have a great week - BIG HUGS TO ALL!
Excellent video Kaeden. How neat! So happy you're enjoying your school experience this year. Hope it keeps going like that.
Sterling, hope you're feeling better. Good luck with your school sports, be careful with that rugby, kind of rough, no?
Avery starts play school today and she started dance yesterday. How quickly they grow up. She looked so cute with her 'ballet bun'. Emma is happy with her wonderful teacher and loves the choreography for this year's solo. I guess the year has started in earnest.
Love to all
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