Thursday, 21 June 2012

Need I say more? He takes my breath away. Countdown to grad is in full force now as nothing is being done at school. Movie days and potlucks are not what Sterling likes as it is boring and no fun for him. I think he would rather learn until the end but understands that once report cards are submitted nothing seems to happen in our school. He is trying to convince me to let him stay home tomorrow as he has a substitute teacher AND a full movie day. I haven't decided yet. We'll see how the rest of the day goes.


GrmpaGrmma said...

What a gorgeous picture - he is so darn good looking. Are mom and son enjoying the day together or did he decide to go to school? Not too many more days left before summer holidays.

It is finally a beautiful morning here - sun shining, blue sky and it's already +19 - YAHOO! Hope to get out and enjoy the day for sure.

Hope everyone is having a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

Wow! you really are gorgeous. I loved your comments when I phoned and hope you had fun with all the friends I could hear talking to me at the same time you were. Glad you could take the day off, the end of the year really is boring. Emma went bowling today and has also been watching movies. She feels the same wau you do. She'd rather be learning.

Had wonderful weather today. Drove to Taber to have lunch with a friend and the drive was so pleasant as the sun was shining and the temperature was perfect. Got some running around done when I got back to the Hat. Denis worked at Jessica's and got lots done.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Love to all