Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Another Special Day

Today Sterling graduates grade 8. How can that be? He's excited and nervous and happy and anxious. To tell the truth, I am all those things too. In September he will go to high school. How can I have a high schooler? Honestly, it shocks me.
Today he is home with a friend over as the 8th graders don't go to school today (the girls are too busy getting their hair and nails done - seriously). Sterling and C are playing video games, going to McDonalds for lunch, riding their bikes. Doing all those things they should be doing.
As of tomorrow he will officially be a 9th grader.

Tonight we go to a friends home for a BBQ at 5pm. As a special treat and surprise their last years teacher will be attending the BBQ and grad. They will be thrilled as they love her so much. After the BBQ we will walk down to the school (only 2 blocks away) and take part in the festivities. I am looking forward to the mother/son dance. After that they kick all the parents out and the kids get to have a loud and noisy dance for a couple of hours.

Sterling looks so sharp in his suit and I will post pictures of him in it tomorrow.

What a day. I'm so proud of him. This has been a wonderful year for him.

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Great photos of the birthday boy that were posted yesterday. How can you be 13 already? Where has the time gone? I love the fact that mom is now the shortest member of the family, two legged variety that is. So glad that you had a wonderful day, Kaedo.

Congratulations on your grad, Sterling. Can't wait to see the photos of you in your suit and tie. We hope you have a wonderful time at your dance tonight, we know the BBQ will be lots of fun. Really is hard to believe that our first born grandson is in high school already. Again, where has the time gone?

We look forward to seeing you on Friday Shannon. I know it's always unnerving to leave your family behind but we hope it will be a refreshing experience. We know how homesick you got when you lived at home with us, we're hoping to keep you so busy you will only have a couple of minutes here and there to worry about them. Craig's in charge, all will go great.

We look forward to our trip also. It isn't all planned out yet, our journey after Vegas, but it has changed significantly since we started talking about it. Lots of kms. to travel but it never seems a lot when done over a couple of months.

Love to all