Saturday 5 March 2011

Fish Babysitters

Our neighbors have headed out on a Disney Cruise for the next couple of weeks and we are babysitting their fish. Let me just say that babysitting fish is much more daunting than babysitting kids. I am so paranoid one of the fish will die. I had a dream last night that we had to go to a Pet Store with a dead fish in a baggie looking for the closest looking match so the owners would be none the wiser. Yikes!


GrmpaGrmma said...

Shannon - we know exactly how you feel because we did babysitting for friends one time as well and I hate to say it but one of them did die on us. We didn't replace it and felt bad and told them when they returned that we would buy them a new one. They really didn't care and didn't get too upset with us. Good luck and hope everything goes well!

We've got a dull & dreary day today with the wind gusting quite good. We slept in this morning because we were out playing cards with friends till after 1:00 a.m. We just got moving awhile ago and had a late breakfast. We're not planning on eating lots today because we're going out for a perogie and sausage supper with Ed & Marion Parking and Gordon & Karen Fox and then they are coming over after for some visiting.

It was time I got tidying up the house anyway so getting company even if it is for an evening, got me in the mood and now I can sit and relax for the afternoon with one of the books Jean gave me.

Hope you're all having a great day - love you lots - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

Shannon, do you remember the huge Oscars we inherited from Uncle Raymond. They were in a 100 gallon aquarium in the downstairs family room at 1813. We knew nothing about fish and they lived with us for about two years and then all died. I think there was something wrong with the tank heater and it got too warm for them. It was sad but I was kind of glad we didn't have to worry about them any more when we went away.

A few clouds but 28C today with no sign of it quitting. Not humid even though we're on the river and the coots and mallards come up to the RV side of the river as someone usually gives them bread. Fun to watch! A great blue heron visited yesterday and a burro strolled through the park. First great blue we've seen this winter. The weekend's over so only fishing and pontoon boats out today. Lot of speed boats out on the weekend practicing for the water ski competition on the weekend. We have a front row seat.

Love to all