Sunday 25 July 2010

What the Tweet???

So, I am anti Facebook, MySpace and all those other sites that ask you to rekindle your friendships with people you honestly didn't like the first time they were in your life. HOWEVER, I am a big fan of blogging and often funny things come up and I wish I could blog them but am either away from my computer or unable to get on to the blog for whatever reason. SO - I have decided to start doing Twitter. You can see on the right hand side of the blog there is a widget that says "follow me on twitter". Just click on it, and if you want to follow along with my musings, you can. It will be a fun way for me to post funny things I do, see and think and you'll be able to follow along on your cell phones. Just sign up to follow the tweets and voila!

1 comment:

KPJC said...

You might want to check that corn scenario out with a doctor!!!!! I do not know how you guys handle sending your kids away for so long. My guts have been a mess with Petrica being in Romania alone. It is OK when the kids are in Swift or Foam Lake - they are close enough. Anyway thanks for reading. We enjoyed seeeing he boys and jacob is already looking forward to Christmas to see them again.

Hey Craig I know you may be busy finding more strippers for the pole, but if you have time could you design a tatoo for Tica and me? Not sure where it will go, but she would like it to have the number 13 (prominent) with the kids first letters somehow with it. Thanks - keep on tweeting.