Wednesday, 29 July 2009

A little sun and a lot of heat made the pool very inviting yesterday. The boys spent about an hour splashing around, diving for Lego (of course), doing handstands and jumping off the ladder. They had a blast.


GrmpaGrmma said...

Glad to hear the weather has warmed up there. Looks like the boys had a blast. Yesterday it rained off and on and when Stan checked the rain gauge last night, we had got 1/2 inch - always welcomed! Today it's sunny but the breeze blowing is cool so for many, it's a perfect day! Just got home from a day with sisters & mom and when we're all together, it's very busy & noisy - BUT FUN!! Now I have abit of time before Sandra comes to pick me up at 5:30 p.m. to go to Boston Pizza along with Sheila and Danelle.


Denis & Irene said...

The pool looks very inviting and you boys look like you're having a great time. Glad the weather is co-operating. Our's is very nice, not to hot. It was a little windy eating supper outside last night but it didn't seem to bother the new addition. She loves to be outside.

Going to Calgary on Saturday to visit mom and take Emma to the zoo. I remember the wonderful days we spent with the boys every couple of weeks doing all the fun things. Those are great memories, makes us very nostalgic.

Hope everyone has a great long weekend.

Love to all