Friday 3 July 2009

Canada Day Celebrations

We went to Rickards for a Canada Day celebration on the first and had a good time. There wasn't much to do before the fireworks but we had fun.
Hey Cutie!
Craig taught Jacob how to play Frisbee

Hey Handsome!

Sleeping Beauty!

Sign we saw posted at the skatepark. The writer of this sign was definitely an A student.

Watching the fireworks

Hope you had a good Canada Day, whatever you were doing. Petrica and I are going for pedicures this morning. It was her birthday present and I am lucky enough to benefit from the gift as well. The "boys" might go down to Lakeview Park for some sun and sand. I have to work tonight. This weekend we plan to spend the day at the Toronto Zoo and maybe see "Ice Age". I think it will be Caleb's first movie! Should be fun. Our time with them is going fast but we are trying to enjoy every moment. As awesome as the little guys are, I sure do appreciate my medium boys! What a lot of work for Kelly and Tica. They are great parents. I am so impressed.


GrmpaGrmma said...

Once again - GREAT PHOTOS!!! Our grandsons are so darn handsome and cute all rolled into ONE!! Enjoy your pedicures girls and your time together.


Denis & Irene said...

Great photos and wonderful fireworks by the look of them. Glad you're having a great time. I don't think we've ever been to the Toronto Zoo, did we know they had one??

Love to all