Monday 27 July 2009


Another sneak peak at a layout I just completed. This, like the other one, is for the design team I am working on. I love it. I think I have to go back to 12x12.
Not only do we have Lego strewn throughout the upstairs, we also now have it all over the trampoline. The boys have been playing Lego all morning. I told them they needed to get outside and be in the sun. So what did they do? Drag their Lego out there and are playing with it on the trampoline. Maybe I needed to be more specific. GO RUN AROUND!

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

Your work is fantastic Shannon!! Of course the person in the layout is gorgeous, what great photos of Sterling! Are the boys seeing how high the Lego can fly with them jumping on the trampoline? It is beautiful here again today. Yesterday there was a chance it might rain but the big, black clouds went over and just a couple of drops fell. It's not as hot as it was on the weekend. I haven't been out yet but plan on getting out around 3:00 p.m. today. Hope you're having a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!