Friday, 12 December 2008

where there's smoke there's fire - A Public Service Announcement

So, last night, Craig tried to burn the house down. He was making supper. May I just say that I did put out what to have for supper but he decided to go in another direction as far as the food went and this is what happened. That should be a lesson - when I tell you to have rice - HAVE RICE!
He was making some soup for Sterling (sore teeth - no chewing), and was talking to Kaedo and the sleeve of his sweatshirt was on the coil of the stove and it caught on fire. Kaedo says he yelled "oh Crap!", but I tend to think the language may have been a little more colorful. Apparently he pulled the sweatshirt off and Kaedo swiped at it with a towel until the flames went out. Yes, his sleeve was flaming. Man, how I wish I had a picture of that. Aah well, such is life.

Needless to say (but I will anyway) he burned the top of one hand and the arm of the other, burning off the hair on part of his arm. The one thing Sterling said to me this morning was, "it's a good thing he wasn't wearing a soccer jersey or the material would have melted to his skin". Very scary.

Anyway - that's what happens when I am not home to supervise. Next week he'll probably cut his finger off, pass out, and Kaedo will have to sew it back on with some embroidery floss.

Shirley - you can breathe again now.


Craig said...

I would have preferred 'My Super Hot Husband' or 'Hunka, Hunka Burning Love' as titles but when you do stupid things I guess you have no say. I blame the sweatshirt which had no cuff to keep it from hanging into the burner. For the record, Stop, Drop and Roll did enter my mind but considering it was only my arm on fire, I figured it might look ridiculous. Jumping off the deck into a snowbank was also on my list of options.

GrmpaGrmma said...

You two!!!! I suppose it was one of your very favorite sweatshirts as well Craig. Sterling & Kaeden - hope you learn a lesson from your dad. He must get it from his dad - I keep telling Grampa to snap his work jacket at the sleeves or it's going to get caught in the saw - it hasn't happened yet but it's because of my never ending yelling at him to snap them shut!! Hope your arm and hand aren't hurting too much Craig and that you remembered to pour cold water on it right away. If you needed to jump into snow - you at least have some there to jump in to. We wouldn't be able to do that here. We hardly have any snow on our lawns to speak of. We might get some this weekend and it's supposed to get bitterly cold. If it weren't so late when I sat down to shut the computer down - I would be calling to check on you! LOVE YOU LOTS - Mom

We started our Christmas coffee get-togethers this afternoon and it was over at mom's. She said to heck with coffee/tea - buy her some Apricot Brandy - so that was our afternoon get-together. Linda, Roberta, Lindsay, Hannah, Ethan, Sherry, Samantha, Presley and Riley all made it over. Of course - no booze for the youngn's!

Dad and I have been relaxing all evening and tomorrow night we're invited over to help celebrate Darrald's 40th b'day!

Take care and we'll give you a call to see how things are.


Denis & Irene said...

I'm cheating by commenting just once although I have read all the blog. This library crap to do the internet is getting me choked, especially when they've taken the money for it. Mastercard said they would send us a form to fill out so that we could get our money back...maybe. We had trouble with this server last year in Texas but they said it was "the Park", said the same thing this year. It is them or nothing, so choice is limited to none.

So happy about the job, Shannon, but you know that. It was great talking with you a couple of times this week. I remember how difficult it seemed to get things organized when I went back to work, but it always looks worse than it ends up being. You are so organized that nothing will remain unresearched.

Kaeden, your letter to mom is wonderful. You are such a sweetheart but I know mom tells you that every day. That letter will still be around when she's old and grey, like amma.

Sterling, your mom can sypathize with you, she probably still remembers the discomfort days after wire tightening. It will all be for a great result, you'll see. Have I ever lied to you before??? Remember the school conversation, Mr. "A".

Craig, you're actually blaming a sweatshirt. What next?? It's never your fault. We're just so glad that you weren't badly injured. Not a very good lesson for those two boys...or was it? Have to say I lol upon reading your comment, you are funny.

Love to all, hear it's cold up there. It's very warm and wonderful here, we're off to the dog races for the afternoon.

KPJC said...

First of all - we hope you are alright. Burns are not something to laugh about. That being said, if on video . . definately a grand prize winner on AFV. Next time remember, SAFETY FIRST! Maybe try cooking naked (as long as it isn't bacon or the kids are not around - that might scar them for life). Take care. Thanks again for the presents - Jacob loves his big brother gift.