Thursday 25 December 2008

Worth Everything...

Hi All -
so many pictures of happy, smiling boys unwrapping their many gifts from all of you. I will do a longer post today or tomorrow with all the pictures, but thought I would post this video.
This is what it is all about. Today we are the heroes!
Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Well, we know they believe in God, oh my god. How excited they were, that is truly awesome. It is so wonderful to see them in action at Xmas. Love your hat, Kaed. It was great talking with you and seeing you today. Glad you liked our gift, enjoy, don't break any bones.

We had a lovely day. Cinnamon buns, fruit and Starbucks for breakfast. We then opened gifts and sat outside. We had a turkey lunch and then went to Coral Castle and Biscayne National Park for the afternoon. There were so many people there BBQing their dinner, most of which was caught in the lake, and having a wonderful family time. We had to put on the AC when we left as it is very humid today & I hate it on when we're in. I guess it could be worse, we could be shoveling. Difficult to know it's Xmas here as just about everything is open. There was a mini Xmas parade here last night, golf carts and bikes decorated and driven around the park. Em collected a lot of candy canes. Merry Christmas to all

Love to all