Monday, 30 June 2008

summer 2008

Trying to take pictures of the brats so you can see what they are doing. Some are just so you can see how gorgeous they are. Hung out this morning, playing Lego and watching 'so you think you can dance'. Great show. Can you see from these pictures how dirty Kaedo is? How that happens I'll never know. Actually I do know - he rolls around in dirt, digging in the flower beds, building forts under the trampoline and generally acting like he is a pig and the dirt will somehow save him from burning in the afternoon sun. The afternoon was spent jumping on the trampoline with the sprinkler underneath, playing with PSPs and riding bikes. They are out on the trampoline with the backyardigans and I can hear them laughing. Love that.

Friday, 27 June 2008

it's only just begun...

First official day of Summer. Vacation is on in full force and the boys have had a great day. Swimming, Slip and Sliding, jumping on the trampoline, playing "camping" with their dollies, water fights and having lots of friends over.

It was a great day and even as I am writing this they are still outside having a ball. I can hear them singing and laughing and just love the sound of it. They will have fun playing around here for the next 12 days so that is good. I'm hoping to be able to carve out a little bit of each day to hang with them. This is the second busiest time of the year for me, so I am trying to balance being with them and working. These pictures were taken this afternoon while they were in the midst of their battle. Kaedo didn't want me to take his picture but finally relented. As for Sterling - oh my god - when did he become such a heartthrob? The grandparents better keep the girls away from him this summer!

Thursday, 26 June 2008

first and last

Where has the year gone? Holy man, I can't believe today is the last day of school. The boys did well on their report cards and so we are happy about that. They are having little parties with their classes today and are anxiously looking forward to spending tomorrow playing with the backyardigan, if he is available. Yesterday we measured them and they had both grown close to two inches since Kaedo's birthday last year. How is that possible? I'm going to have to stop feeding them!

First Day
Last Day

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

My dear, sweet baby is 9. How the hell did that happen? He is spending a good day opening presents, getting fresh homemade cinnamon bread for breakfast and a birthday lunch at McDonalds. Now he is spending the afternoon playing with one of his best buddies, swimming, biking, scootering. We'll top off the night with Kung Fu Panda and popcorn. A great day for a great kid.

Sunday, 22 June 2008

we survived!

Big day, today. Kaedo's birthday party. He is almost 9. How can that be? While I don't have photos of the party to show you because they either suck or have other kids in them, I will show you what we did to prepare for this shindig. Everything is trademarked and copyrighted. Call Kaeling Party Planners for your next event.
You can't have Survivor without the shirts - each boy got a different color that they randomly, blindly chose from a bin
Each kid got a torch - another Survivor must - although I have to say they sucked this year

Chocolate chip cookies for the kids that don't want cake or want their cake and cookie, too

Can't let them get parched out in that hot, hot sun. Each canteen was two pieces. One had the water and the bottom was filled with gum. They each had their name on them

I knew there was a reason why we painted this. Perfect way to keep score.

Tissue paper game. Kept Craig running. Lots of water balloons - the kids loved it

A little education in all our parties! Fun search a word.

Lots of pop - cream soda, orange, cola, rootbeer, twist up. Chips - that never got to the table, actually. Had pizza, too.

Now, that's a cake!

2 x 4's for "Balancing Act". All our challenges have catchy titles. Another service we provide. Kaedo hates this game.

Cars for our racing game. Each kid got a Lego Racer and then built it and they raced them down a ramp across a finish line. Even had photo finishes.

Puzzle game. The logo was cut into a gajillion pieces and put into three bags. Each kid got their own three bags. They had to race for the bags then whoever gets it put together first wins.

So - that's it. The party was a blast. Kaedo got great gifts, money and gift cards and now is well on his way to be buying his own PSP on Wednesday.

Will send some video after I get a third party waiver signed.

Saturday, 21 June 2008

what a shitty thing to do

A few weeks ago a neighbor down the street let her dog shit on my lawn. In front of me and my family. Then walked away. And left the shit there. It shouldn't matter to the story, but she's a 14 year old snotty brat who is going to be nothing but trouble. Should I be smiling? No, that wouldn't be good. All that Karma is a bitch stuff.
Needless to say, she was half way home when I got out of the van and demanded she come back and pick up her dog's shit. In the way that snot nosed 14 year olds do, she ambled back, picked it up, and I'm sure was cursing me all the way home. I'm wondering if the pain in my ass is from the voodoo doll her and her friend concocted out of one of her training bras. Oh, ya, I forgot - she STILL wears training bras. Sucka.
During the last few weeks my neighbor and I have found numerous ploppers (as Sterling calls poo) and so I made mention to him that I was sure it was her. Karma isn't the same as stirring the pot, is it?
To make a long story longer, I saw the mom today - and looking back I realize that she has been a little frosty lately - and bring up the whole poop and scoop issue. She told me the daughter didn't do it, even when Craig and I witnessed it ourselves. We wrestled around the conversation for a few more seconds and then she turned away just like any other 14 year old snot and called me a bitch. I guess I know where the kid is getting it from.


We could learn a lot from crayons.
Some are sharp, some are pretty
and some are dull. Some have weird
names and all are different colours
but they all live in the same box.

Friday, 20 June 2008

feel good moment

I think every parent worries that their child has little or no friends at school. I know I do, especially with Sterling. In the younger grades he had a reputation for being short tempered that got him into trouble with the authority figures and caused him problems socially. I was concerned going to school yesterday, hoping that the things he tells me about "the gang" - his chums - was true. Knowing in my heart that he is an honest kid I was concerned that maybe he wasn't in this instant.
What a relief and wonderful feeling I got when he was welcomed at the beginning of the day with hearty hellos and slaps on the back - I'm surprised they didn't smack each other on the head like hockey players or pat each other's ass. He was right in the middle of the group, laughing and talking with everyone.
When we left home yesterday morning he told me he was going to be sitting with me on the bus and at the show. The bus sitting was quickly forgotten as three of them squished into one seat, Sterling in the middle, so he could lead them in a rendition of "the song that never ends" - ack!
At the show the kids stuck together, all of them wanting to show each other something cool, and when it came time to sitting at the show I actually had to remind him that he needed to sit next to me (worried mom that I was about the food). It didn't stop him from laughing, cheering and having sword fights with his friends.
In other words, I am in love with the school life he has built. I am proud, thrilled and just so happy to see him finally settled in a school life that suits him. It's been a long time coming. He deserves it.

Thursday, 19 June 2008

Medieval Times

What a day! We were at school at 8am and boy were the kids excited. Many of them had no idea what to expect so the anticipation was infectious. Sterling and I have been before but not since 2003 so he wasn't too familiar with what was going to happen.
We got there and looked around and immediately my four boys (who were absolute dolls!) had to get to the gift shop. 15 minutes later armed with wooden swords and daggers along with a shield for protection, they were ready for the show to begin.
We headed up to our spots and soon after the show started. There was a lot of story involved, so I was glad they were serving lunch at that time. Lunch was hilarious. Garlic toast (not for Sterling), big hunk of chicken, piece of corn on the cob and a 1/2 a potato, roasted. The fun part is that there are no utensils and since you can barely see, each mouthful is always a surprise. Sterling loved the food and the other boys all ate well. He got to have a big tootsie roll for his dessert and of course he was happy with that.
The cheering was phenomenal, and while I will now have to wear a hearing aid in my left ear, it was well worth it. We were for the White and Black Knight - the stadium is broken up into colors and you cheer for the knight with your colors. There was a lot of the wave, a lot of boos, a gajillion cheers and a lot of "go black and white, go black and white!"
Once the show was done the kids went around and got some autographs on their swords and shields then proceed to launch an epic battle the likes of which has never been seen. Then the mean old parents had to tell them to get on the bus. It was a lot quieter on the way home but I think a few kids may have engaged in a little sword play under the not so watchful eyes of the parents, teacher and grumpy bus driver (are they all like that?).
Kaedo made out good, too. When we got to school around 2:30, I went in to sign out Sterling and asked for Kaedo to be called down with all his gear. He thought it was almost the end of the day so when I told him he was getting out an hour early, he was thrilled.

What fun I had. My son wasn't embarrassed to be seen with me, kids are still polite - I even got a Mrs. Klassen until I explained that my name is Shannon - and the adventures are so memorable for the kids.

Having said that, I will not be volunteering again until this time next year, with Kaedo. One trip a year is MORE than enough!

look at this

This came home in Kaedo's agenda last night:

'Kaeden, "1000 mercis "(thanks yous) to have reported a robbery in progress! Erin (and I) is very grateful that you told me about it and I was able to get her prize back. Merci beaucoup (a lot) Kaeden!'
Mme ____________

What an awesome kid!

Monday, 16 June 2008

Guess who we found...

...this!!! I found him on the outside (thank god!) of the front window yesterday. He was about the size of a quarter and he totally freaked me out. Of course we had to take pictures. I think Craig photoshopped a cool one but I can't find it. We are sure it was a baby tarantula and boy was it mean. Very aggressive when we tried to move him. We took a pile of pictures then put him in a container and Craig took him down to the park and set him free. Very granola of us, eh? Now, I don't need a bunch of facts about tarantulas and them being or not being native as I have already been to Wikipedia (just for the record - it looks like a tarantula on that site). I don't care what they say - it was a tarantula! Very creepy.

Sunday, 15 June 2008

football guy

Equipment day! Sterling waited all week for this. The two football lovers went yesterday and picked up the gear. He had to put everything on and show me and all I could think about was that the rag-tag bunch of kids on his team are going to look hilarious on Tuesday trying to run, stretch and catch. I am going to be laughing my ass off.
The last picture is of the deck railing after Craig goaded Sterling enough to get him to push him. I think Craig was surprised.
I guess it's real now. Yee Gad!

Saturday, 14 June 2008


kaedo: mom, you're just don't show it


Let me preface this by saying that my children are night owls. I understand that the bewitching hour for them is between 10-10:30pm. Which is alarming but doesn't affect their ability to get up for school or any other activity they may have. In saying that...

Thursday night Sterling was in A LOT of trouble. He was driving me crazy. He was already in bed late due to football practice and a shower, and I just wanted him to get to bed. I really don't mind if they are sitting IN bed reading or coloring or listening to their stereos but I draw the line at playing on the floor.

When Craig goes to the gym, I usually retire to my chambers as I don't love being in the basement by myself (sound like I'm 5, don't I?). Twice I told Sterling to get into bed. Twice he got out of bed and continued to play on the floor. On my third loud "request", I warned him that a 7:30pm bedtime would be in place Friday night if he didn't stay in bed. (to which I get a call from the other room, "mom, I'm in bed - can I have a hug?" syruppy sweet - bum).

5 minutes later there is Sterling on the floor. I then am bellowing for him to get into bed and he was stuck with the 7:30pm bedtime. He cried and screamed "obscenities" under his breath, but too bad. 5 minuted later I found him on the floor, AGAIN! What is wrong with this child?, I am asking myself. Back into bed, Saturday night, 7:30pm. Well, that just put him over the edge. Whatever he was playing with he threw across the room (Lego, I think), and starting crying and wishing me to hell. Oh ya, did I mention I was the worst mother in the world, was hated and was never going to be loved again? What about "you're never going going to be my friend again?". Did I mention that I receive another request from Kaeden much the same as the first?

Friday comes around and I am making my rounds waking the children and when I get to Sterling's bed he opens his eyes (actually I could only see one, but I am assuming he was opening both), and he growls,"get out of my room!!!!!". I guess it is safe to say that he was not over the "floor incident" as I like to call it.

Well, his day didn't get much better. At 11:57am (I checked the time) I got a call from him at school saying that the freezee he was eating spilled all over his pants right down to his unders and could I PLEASE bring him new clothes. So I did. At 12:33pm (I checked the time) I got a call from him at school telling me that a KoolAid Jammer he was drinking spilled all over him and could I bring him some new shorts. So I did. (yes mom, I know you wouldn't have) As I walked him to his class he started crying and telling me that with all of this he wouldn't get his quiz finished and he was going to fail and he would look dumb and the world as he knows it would come to an end and to top it all off - he got KoolAid Jammer all over his test and he didn't want to ask Monsieur for a new one. Off we went to class and spoke with the teacher and he got a new test. And he failed his test. And he has about 80 questions (division) to do this weekend in order to redeem himself. What a rough day.

I'm a sucker - let's get that out right now - So here is what I did. I explained to him that there were a lot of chores to do around the house and that if he listened, didn't complain and did what I asked for as long as I asked he could have his punishment waived. Never seen a kid work so hard. He scrubbed, he dusted, he washed, he rocked.

So, the punishment was lifted and the pitiful day was finally over. Today is Saturday and unfortunately for him he has more work to do if he doesn't want to go to bed at 7:30pm. For this weekend Kaedo will take time off and Sterling will be doing the chores while Kaedo jumps to his hearts content on the tramp (that didn't come out right, did it?)

Friday, 13 June 2008


Well, after saying such wonderful things about my beautiful child I thought I would present this. Nice kid. What else could I do but breathe on him. Alot.

This morning, same bratty kid decided that he was going to draw a smiley face on his belly, using his belly button as the nose. One problem with that - he's going to a pool party tonight. Serves him right. (insert evil laugh here)

Thursday, 12 June 2008

300 and awwww

300th post! Can you believe it? Who would have known we had so much to say.
My sweet son made these cards for me. They are so beautiful. Craig and Sterling have humored him by signing. I know something is happening when I get a call from my office, "Mom, can I use some rhinestones? Mom, can I use flowers? Mom, can I use some stickers, cardstock?" There are very few "things" that I have that are as special as these. They make me smile, make me teary, and gives me a chance to hug and smooch my young, sweet, kind boy.

I'm so lucky, and so is anyone that is loved by him.

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

water sports

Sunny weather=water, water, water
The boys rigged up the hose so that it sprayed all over the tramp and had a hoot jumping. They must have changed their clothes three times. Finally I had to tell them to put on their swim trunks (why are they called that?). The worst part for them is having to strip in the kitchen because I refuse to keep bringing down towels for them. The weather is great again today. I'm sure they will be out there tonight.
Great gift,
good times,
scared mom (just what Craig wants),
'I told you so' dad

Friday, 6 June 2008

thank you anti

5 minutes in...

flyin' high

Tying the laces

I am going to get this spring in here if it kills me!

Yes, I really am that handsome!

Nice pole, man!

Super Anti to the rescue! Guess who got a trampoline? Anti and Uncle Ken bought the boys one for their birthdaychristmashannukaheastervalentinesdayarbourdayearthdaystpatricksday for the rest of their lives.

Can you say thrilled beyond belief? As far as they are concerned she walks on air. We picked it up on Wednesday night and immediately started setting it up. We got the trampoline up but didn't get the enclosure up. Hopefully tonight. The boys can't wait!

Craig tells me if they break a bone I will never live it down. Or something like that. Right now he also has a lot of love for Jessica.

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

the sun is shining

Today is a good day. Seems like it has been a while. Glad to be up and working and plotting with my sis and drinking a diet coke and listening to a book and talking with my husband and wearing jeans (as opposed to sitting in my underwear) and talking to my dog and and and and....

Where can you get these drugs? I will never reveal my source!

Blogging has been sparse over the last month due to some serious work commitments and me coming up against a wall as to what to write about about. During this huge work time I created a project for an event I am attending in September. The project was not loved by my co-workers and my confidence has been a little shaky in part due to this. HOWEVER - this morning I received an email letting me know that the company that is holding the event loved the project so much they want to run in twice a day instead of the usual once a day. Deep breath. I can't tell you how happy that makes me. I feel redeemed in some way.

Today is a good day. Wishing the best for yours as well.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008


Last fall when mom and dad were here we had a beautiful Bluejay come to visit and eat all the corn from my fancy Fall montage I had going on on my front deck. Mom being the photographer extraordinaire, took some wonderful pictures. Thinking of last Fall and how much fun I had with Jessica and Em, mom and dad here. It's rainy here today. I'm missing my fam. Looking at these pictures reminded me of a wonderful visit.

Obviously the damn bird was a male. No female in her right mind would have screwed up my beautiful display!

Monday, 2 June 2008


On the last day of my beautiful niece's second year I thought I would post this. Three is your special year, darling girl, so have fun. Love that band aid. Aaahhh, so nice to be an anti!