Sunday, 18 May 2008

you know...'s going to be a long day when the police ring your doorbell at 7:30am. The shock of the ringing doorbell, jumping out of bed and into my housecoat, racing down the stairs, only to open the door to the police is one of the most terrifying things ever!
Once I opened the door and asked what was wrong (who was dead, maimed by a wild zebra, etc) the kind officer simply handed me a summons. I need to be a witness for the police officer who came to my accident for the idiot who hit me. Little did I know that Craig had looked out the upstairs window and had virtually vaulted from the upstairs to entry way. I think there are skid marks on the tile from where he stopped. Oh, my bad, that's just dirt.
When I asked why in the hell he would ring my doorbell at 7:30am, he replied, "that's when we catch you at home."
Oh ya - just so you know - the police have to wear their hat to the door when it is something serious. Interesting fact. Scary, but interesting.

Off to a BBQ where I can consume the last of my daily calories with one all beef hot dog, no bun and a thimble full of ketchup. mm mmm good.


Denis & Irene said...

Glad it was nothing more serious. The most serious part was getting you out of bed so early.

Pretty good weather for May long. It usually sucks. The park is full and it is very fun to see all the kids out and about, swimming in the pool and riding their bikes. Took Em to the pool yesterday and she had a good time. She was terrified to begin with but got a little braver as the time wore on. Don't know how she'll fare as her next swimming lessons are without Mom. I'll have to go to that one.

Hope everyone's having a great long weekend.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

That is something Shannon that would scare me to death as well - guess I've seen too many movies where the police come to the door and it is something serious. Good note re: hat on if something serious - never knew that!

Hope you had a wonderful Sunday and the weather cooperated. It was beautiful here - Dad and Kelly went golfing along with 6 other guys who got up early and had a beautiful morning for it. We had neighbors to the north of us who decided to party until 4:00 a.m. and they guys were getting up at 7:00 a.m. Their deck is right outside our bedroom window. Around 3:45 a.m., Stan got up and yelled at them to quieten down!! Needless to say, we're all hitting the sack early tonight.

Hope you're BBQ went well tonight - that's what we had for supper as well and then off to Dairy Queen for a treat.

Thought we'd wait and call you tomorrow night to see how your weekend was. Hope everyone had a great long weekend - ours was alot of fun!