Friday 2 May 2008

day 2

In Medicine Hat now, enjoying myself at Jessica's. Emma is hilarious and I think she may get a complex from me laughing at her so much. No, I'm not laughing with her. Jessica's house is beautiful and you can see how much work she has put into it. She has set up a great room for me to stay in and I feel so comfortable here. We had pedicures this afternoon followed by a late lunch at Earls where a bottle of wine and two Malibu daiquiri's were consumed. I think we ate too. Now we are just hanging out and who knows where the night will go. Missing the boys and Craig like crazy but am happy to be seeing Stan and Shirley tomorrow.
Hopefully more from the road will come. If not, look forward to Craig's more entertaining posts through the weekend.

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

So looking forward to seeing you too Shannon! See you at 11:30 for our lunch date!

Sounds like you had a wonderful afternoon with Jessica and the week isn't over yet. Enjoy each other and hold on tight!