Friday, 23 May 2008

hello -

It's been a while. Don't know how much I have to say but we'll get going here and see where we end up. Breathe - what a busy couple of weeks. I am sure I have never worked so hard as I have lately. Dropped my projects off yesterday and am now ready to start on to the next thing. Lots going on now for the next 6 weeks until Chicago. Everyone in my office is under considerable strain with all the deadlines right now. Speaking for myself, my feelings have been stepped on numerous times in the last little while. Every one's life is busy and hectic and people always have lots going on. Unfortunately it is during those times that feelings get hurt. Speaking for myself I can honestly say my confidence is a little shaken and I think I just need to take today off and re-group.
The boys are having their first ever sleepover party tonight. They are so excited. I could probably get them to do anything right now if I held their party over their heads. But I wouldn't do that - would I?

School is winding down - don't quite understand that as they still have a month left, but whatever. All the dictees, spelling tests, math tests, etc are finished as of today. I know teachers are starting to work on report cards, so that is probably why - it probably does take a month to get them completed. I don't envy that job!

Football starts on Tuesday. Sterling is very excited and I am sure Craig is excited to see the next generation. He says one of his regrets was having not tried out for football in high school. Here's his chance to live vicariously through Sterling. I think Sterling is just as excited to wear his new Under Armour cleats as he is to play. We are hoping our new system will work for us. Kaeden is going to go to TKD at the same time as football meaning less travelling for us and Kaedo will get to go to the all ages classes. With the field being in Bville, we should be able to do everything at once.

Well, that's it. Party tonight, recovery tomorrow, and back to work on Sunday.


GrmpaGrmma said...

Nice to hear from you again Shannon - we check everyday for yours and Kelly's blog just to see what everyone is keeping busy at.

Hang in there and here's a BIG HUG from us to help you get through the past week!

Hope the boys will have fun at their sleepover tonight - sure there won't be much sleeping but they'll have lots of fun. Let us know how it goes.

Talk to you on Sunday - take care - BIG HUGS TO EVERYONE!s

Denis & Irene said...

Glaaad you're back. We've really missed the blog this week but glad we could fit a chat into your busy schedule. I hope you can relax a little before starting the next project.

Don't ever let someone else's comments affect your confidence. They may hurt your feelings but you must never allow that to undermine how you feel about yourself.

Mom's birthday tomorrow so I'll be going to Calgary for lunch with her & my sisters. She had some dermatology work done this week that was a little uncomfortable but she was ok when I spoke with her that night.

The new job is definitely testing the old brain but I think the brain is winning. It takes a few days to get it back into gear. I really love it and the people are awesome.

Weather sucks big time. Rain, rain, rain but I've got to head out in it. Em's birthday next week so I must find something for her. Her mom is no help, neither is her grandpa. Any suggestions, Shannon, you always have loads of ideas.

Love to all