Monday, 26 May 2008

Why do they call it a sleepover...

Why do they call it a sleepover when no one really gets much sleep... especially the parents! Well, we survived the first ever sleepover and only a few bags under the eyes to show for it, no major damage. The friends (who were also brothers) got here around 7 and the first thing I heard Kaeden's friend say (he's 6 and this was his first sleepover) was 'I'm sleeping over here tonight, this is the bestest day ever'. So exciting for all of them. Shannon made a cake and they had pizza, chips and pop. The four of them then proceeded to play GameCube, then continued to play outside until it got dark. Once they couldn't see each other anymore it was time to come inside and watch movies. They watched until about 10:30 or 11 when we said they could take the party up to the boys rooms where Sterling and his friend watched movies on the PSP and Kaeden and his friend played their Nintendos. Finally, around 12:30 I asked that they turn off the games but they could keep talking (have I mentioned that Shannon was already sound asleep by this point). At about 1:30 (I still haven't slept) Sterling is asleep and his friend decides he wants to be with his brother which as it will caused a bit of an argument so I told them they had to get to sleep. At 2 they are still awake and at 3 Sterling's friend came to our room as he was a little scared. I think everyone finally got to sleep at about 3:30. Needless to say we had a couple of tired kids the next day but I'm sure they would do it again in a minute. I think we will try again on Kaedo's birthday but probably just one kid.

Sorry for the rambling post, just thought I would fill the gap until Shannon is back in action. Football and TKD tomorrow night so I'm sure we'll have some pics to post. Sterling is really looking forward to football so let's hope he still feels the same way after a 2 hour practice... twice a week at that.



1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

Sleep overs are such fun but like you say not much sleep for anyone. Glad the boys had lots of fun with their friends and I'm sure they'll have lots more over the years ahead.

Sounds like you had a great weekend. Nice to have great weather - send some our way PLEASE!! We are going to the Relay For Life down at the southside park on Friday night so we're really hoping for a nice day. So far they are predicting that it should be. I've agreed to Line Dance with 14 other ladies for entertainment for 20 minutes. I didn't want to - I didn't mind when we danced for the people at the Palliser but most of them are sleeping through our performance so they don't know if we make a mistake or not - but there may a few at the park that will notice. Oh well, it's for a good cause and it's lots of fun. We will practice tomorrow and Thursday, dance Friday night and then our Line Dancing is done till September. Lots of ladies start golfing and there's not enough interest through the summer.

Hope you enjoyed Sponge Bob Kaeden and Shannon and your time together.