Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Welcome Back (sung to Welcome Back Kotter theme music)

Hello -

lets give this a try again, shall we? All is well here in the whirling dervish we call home. The boys are doing great and the countdown to summer has officially begun (12 days, I was told). Busy weekend for us last weekend. The big news on campus was that Kaedo got his orange belt in TKD. Can you hear the pride? He did very well, and even broke a board! He says it was awesome. The testing was 2.75 hours and you could tell the students had worked out hard during the class. Kaed was so thrilled that he actually did his "pump the fist" movement when walking back to his space after getting his belt. Craig caught it on video and I will get him to show me how to upload it (read get him to upload it). We had a celebratory evening after the grading and were hoping for a night on the town. When we asked the boys what they wanted to do, they said, "McDonalds"! Good god! Cheap dates, I suppose. We followed that up with a movie night at home. Needless to say, Craig and I were hoping for a restaurant you didn't have to use a tray to get your food to the table. We were also kind of hoping for a movie - maybe a good cartoon we could neck to. Aaahhh. Gone are the days.

Sunday the boys found themselves on a 9.7km bike ride out to who knows where. They had a blast, as always. They are fearless and the more mud and water they have to go through the better.

Busy night last night. Kaed had TKD at 5 and Sterling had soccer at 6. Booted to TKD, met Craig to drop Sterling, took Kaed's friend home, booted back to Bville for Soccer and finally got in at 7:30pm. Never been so happy to see my dog before!

Work work work are the words of the day for the next little while. I am once again preparing for a show and that will keep me busy for now. Craig is busy at work and with football. With 2 nights of soccer and 3 nights of TKD a week, we are kept active. I'm sure that when I had kids I promised to lock them in a dark cellar and only feed them bread and water so they didn't ruin my oh-so-exciting life. What the hell? Ah well, to late to turn back now.

Hope you are all well, and will come back to see what we're up to,



Jessica said...

I'm so glad you're posting again. If your ratings are low just put on some pics of Emma. Hee Hee. Fabulous pictures of Kaed. Can't wait to read again.

Denis & Irene said...

What a wonderful site. How do you guys do it? So professional. Kaed looks awesome with his long blond hair and he looks so serious, deep into concentration.

Glad to see you're so busy. The worst time of my life was when you guys got cars and I couldn't drive you all over the world anymore. Take joy out of the busyness because it sure ends quickly. Imagine only 6 years before Sterling is driving.

We are so proud of you Kaed and can't wait to see you. Only 23 more sleeps until Michigan. Can't wait. Our only heartache is leaving our little and littler girls behind.

Craig said...

Great blog Shann!!!! (exclamation points just for you :)) I'm as surprised as anyone that the blog is going again but it's great to be able to read about what's going on in our lives, goes so fast sometimes I miss it. It seems this the the only contact we have between all the running around. Keep it up, you know I'm always skulking.