Tuesday 26 June 2007


Hi -
What a day we had! It was great. The morning started with kaed playing with his DS from about 6am. I think he slept holding it. We got up and he opened his kicking paddle from Kelly, Tica and Jacob. He then proceeded to kick my hand 3 times before connecting with the damn paddle. I think he broke my pinkie.
One of the most important things to kaed was the fact that he no longer had to use his booster. God, that was hard on my heart. No more baby. Well, he's still my baby, but you know what I mean. He tossed that thing out of the car so fast I heard it bounce. Off to school where I dropped off his treats for his class (ice cream cone cupcakes). His class sang to him in french and then again in English in his English class. The principal also said his name in the announcements. He was over the moon!
After school we went and picked up Craig at the train station and headed out to Outback where we proceeded to pig out on Coconut shrimp, bloomin' onion, sandwiches and steak. The boys just loved the shrimp and kaed loved the onion. They split a steak (rare - definitely my kids) and fries. Everyone was stuffed. We sang to Kaed and he loved it. He opened his gifts from Stan and Shirley - love the pjs - he wore them too bed. Thrilled with the cheque - adding it to his stash. He also opened his gift from Sterling. A zoingo boingo - sort of like a pogo stick.
AFTER that we still had a soccer game to attend, in which my medium large boy did FANTASTIC!!!! He was awesome. He played in net for one half and just rocked it. We finally made it home at 9pm. The kids screwed around until 10:20 when I shut their lights off and then Craig had to kick them in the butt when he finally went to bed. Up this morning with no problems but no breakfast. Both said they were still too full from supper. Wish that happened to me.
Report card day today along with TKD - with the Backyardigan - Laura - I'm driving.
Then hopefully a quiet night at home.
Oh - by the way. Craig and his team lost the championship game - Craig was the only one with his head in the game (not that I'm biased) but they did win the season championship. Yeah Craig!
Here are some pix for you. Kaed's cake, the loot bags and Kaed sitting in his car seat (in front of the garage). God, he's gorgeous. You won't believe them when you see them!

Talk soon,

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

Great photos - Kaeden you look soooo grown up!! Sounds like you had a great 8th b'day and celebrated lots. Glad the PJ's fit. Just a few more days of school and then you're on holidays - HAVE FUN!! Jacob is having his morning nap and when he wakes up we're going to go shopping. It's raining again this morning but we're hoping tomorrow it will be nicer out so we can go for a bike ride. Hope everyone is having a great day!