Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Soccer Star

Well, three hours later my masterpiece is finally complete. This is why I don't take much video of the kids, it takes too damn long to make a mini movie. Actually, I wouldn't have felt the need to be so elaborate if it wasn't for Kelly posting so much video to his blog and making me look bad. Show him how to do it and he just goes crazy, well here you go bro, top this!

This video was taken at Sterling's last soccer game. He played goal in the first half and you can see some of the awesome saves he made and then tore it up on forward in the second half. No goals this game but lots of good chances. If you look carefully you may also notice Kaeden working the sideline flag... took his job very seriously when he wasn't distracted by other kids, action on the other fields or the wind blowing, but oh well, that's Kaeden.

Anyway, I'm tired, enjoy the movie!

Craig (the sometimes blogger)


Denis & Irene said...

This is a truly awesomke video.. He will definitely play for a European soccer club as he has that flair about him, plus the hair really helps. We just couldn't believe how grownup and how well he plays. Go Sterling! You reallllly rock!!!

KPJC said...

Great vid. I don't think I can match the special effects - so you win. You are an amazing player Sterling. I can't wait to watch you at the World Cup - playing for Canada! Keep it up buddy.

Speaking of mini movies, did you guys receive the DVD of Jacob? I believe that we sent it awhile ago - it was called "Oh the Places". Let me know - if you didn't then I will copy another one. You may have told us that you got it already - but you know my memory!!
