Saturday, 23 June 2007

Take a look at Sterling doing jumps at the local "BMX" track. Craig took a header over his handlebars. Too bad he didn't tape that too.


KPJC said...

Awesome Sterling. The trail looks like a lot of fun as well. Make sure you take care of your dad and give him some tips on how to land properly.

The video is great. I tried to add video to my blog but am having trouble - any tips??

Uncle Kelly

Denis & Irene said...

You looked awesome Sterling. Was that your dad in the background...the one who looked like he was falling off his bike? If it was Kaeden, that's ok babe, you've got a new bike and you still have to get used to it. This blog is very fun, we love it

GrmpaGrmma said...

We're at Kelly & Petrica's safe and sound and Kelly's helping his mom with the BLOG!! Great videos!! Sounds like your party was a blast Kaeden - can hardly believe you're 8 years old already - we love you very much! Have a fun day on your real birthday tomorrow - we'll be giving you a call! Grampa & Gramma