Tuesday, 31 July 2012


Probably not what you were hoping to see when you logged onto the blog today.  Of course, wasn't what Shannon was hoping to see when she got home tonight either.  Dog must be pissed with her (it was the dog by the way, not me) or her shoes smelled worse and he was just trying to improve the situation :) (I'm gonna pay for that comment, ha ha)  At any rate, after I was done laughing I cleaned up the mess and the shoes and now she tells me she isn't going to ever wear them again.  What the hell, they only smell a little like poop.


GrmpaGrmma said...

Please, please, please put a nice picture on SOON! That is so gross and Shannon, I don't blame you abit for not wanting to ever wear them again! When we're visiting, I'll have to make sure I take my shoes with me to my room. Craig, good thing you cleaned it up for Shannon and hope it doesn't happen anymore. It must be pretty quiet around your home with boys gone and maybe that's what has Ketchup upset that you took them away Shannon.

Have a good week together and don't miss the boys too much. I'm sure they are having a ball.

Dennis & Elaine arrived tonight for the long weekend. Should be a fun time together.


Denis & Irene said...

Hahahaha! Love it! I guess he was more than "pissed" off with you Shannon. Hahahaha!

Love to all

Annette said...

Ha ha! Lily poops in very obvious plays when she is mad at us too!