Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Week 41

Has been a pretty quiet week so far and stinking hot.  Not that I'm complaining, I love the hot weather, just makes moving around alot slower.  Maybe that's why we took the picture a little later in the day.  At any rate, I managed to get it posted on Wednesday, yay me.


GrmpaGrmma said...

GREAT PHOTO OF THE BOYS CRAIG! Your temperatures have been way hotter than ours. This morning it is 15 but the wind is quite cool. Dad just walked down to Tim Horton's to meet Hank & Robert for coffee and I've been on the phone with the Herbert Int. Dist. Facility talking about mom's situation. She left the manor on Monday evening sometime and hid in the bushes across the parking lot. I couldn't believe it because she hardly comes out the door when we leave after a visit with her. Anyway - I guess one good thing came of it - they say for her safety, she has to be moved to a lockdown facility which may be within the week AND it will be to the Pioneer Lodge in S.C. - if a person can say YEH to an awful place such as it is, at least she will be here. I'm having my 2nd cup of coffee and then must get moving.

Hope the rest of your week goes well - glad to hear you are taking some time to relax Craig and enjoy your holidays. Tomorrow should be a fun day - hope it all goes well.

I'm sure you're reading the blog as well Shannon - hope you're having a wonderful time with your family.


Denis & Irene said...

Awesome photo boys. Glad you're enjoying the heat, we are not as it is much too warm. Both A/Cs have been going non stop since last Friday. We bought a day of wifi today so that we could get some banking done and make some reservations. I don't think McD's would appreciate us sitting there for half a day. Glad we get a chance to read the blog also.

Love to all