Saturday, 30 June 2012

Week 40

Better late than never, will try and do better in Shannon's absence though with the kids out and about, might be tough to wrangle them for a picture.

Friday, 29 June 2012

Last Day of School

Tried to get the picture and post done yesterday on the official last day of school but the kids' social calendar wouldn't permit.  If that's any indication what kind of what kind of summer its going to be we might never see them around the house.  Between biking and scootering with their friends, a nice holiday and special visitors I know the kids are looking forward to the summer.  As you can tell from the pic, both kids are thrilled to be done school.  For Sterling a little bitter sweet with leaving to a new school next year, but Kaeden couldn't be happier (he really doesn't like school).

Thursday, 28 June 2012

GRAD 2012

Sterling's graduation was just magical. We were so happy to see him be bestowed with so many honors. On top of his certificate he received an honors award in Drama as well as an honors award as most improved (student who has made remarkable changes from the beginning of the year until the end) along with a technology award too. We ended up with seats right in the back so I ended up running up and down the aisle to snap pictures, cheering all the while.
When I picked him up after the dance he was just so thrilled with the evening. He said he danced tons and had the best time. We are so happy for him.  The nerves have set in for high school now but I've told him he still has 2 months of fun in the sun, so no worries.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

So much going on this week - I didn't know where to start! I guess the beginning of the week and that would be Kaedo's birthday. He had a fantastic day. He got tons of calls, lots of wonderful gifts, his favorite supper, a chocolate sour cream cake and all the love and attention he could handle.

 His gift from Kelly, Tica and the boys

He iced his own cake (oh my) and we added the smiley shaped candles

His beautiful face

My best boys

Coupon for scooter parts

Blowing out the candles

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Another Special Day

Today Sterling graduates grade 8. How can that be? He's excited and nervous and happy and anxious. To tell the truth, I am all those things too. In September he will go to high school. How can I have a high schooler? Honestly, it shocks me.
Today he is home with a friend over as the 8th graders don't go to school today (the girls are too busy getting their hair and nails done - seriously). Sterling and C are playing video games, going to McDonalds for lunch, riding their bikes. Doing all those things they should be doing.
As of tomorrow he will officially be a 9th grader.

Tonight we go to a friends home for a BBQ at 5pm. As a special treat and surprise their last years teacher will be attending the BBQ and grad. They will be thrilled as they love her so much. After the BBQ we will walk down to the school (only 2 blocks away) and take part in the festivities. I am looking forward to the mother/son dance. After that they kick all the parents out and the kids get to have a loud and noisy dance for a couple of hours.

Sterling looks so sharp in his suit and I will post pictures of him in it tomorrow.

What a day. I'm so proud of him. This has been a wonderful year for him.

Monday, 25 June 2012


How can it be that we officially have two teenagers? Seriously? How can that be? I am amazed - truly. Our baby isn't too much of a baby any more. He is a charming, gracious, kind, wonderful, amazing young man. A young man that will surely tell me today that he's a teenager, at least 30 times. I know he's also going to be quick to add that aside from Ketchup I am now officially the shortest person in this family. Today will be spent opening his gifts in the morning, having fun at school - seriously - they aren't doing any work, followed by breakfast for supper (I HATE making this meal) a big chunk of chocolate cake and maybe a movie. Many calls will come in for him from everyone that loves him and he will be thrilled to receive them all, just as we are thrilled to know that so many people love him and want to speak with him.

Happy Birthday my darling boy. I love you, more than you will ever know.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Tourney News

It's almost noon on Sunday and our latest tournament is over. After making it to the semis, we were knocked out this morning. Four games over 2 days in scorching hot weather makes me just a little happy we are done for the weekend. The rest of the day will be spent with a trip to Costco to pick up some much needed groceries, some prep for Kaedo's birthday and just chillin' as a family. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend!

Friday, 22 June 2012

My sweet darling boy. You make my heart beat faster! So swamped with soccer and yet so calm about your busy life right now. Finishing up 7th grade and looking forward to being one of the top dogs next year. You're more focused on your birthday than last day of classes and just can't wait to turn 13. I can't believe I will have a 13 and 14 year old but there you have it. You are looking forward to getting measured on your day in the hopes you can finally say you are taller than me. I will then cry! ha!

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Need I say more? He takes my breath away. Countdown to grad is in full force now as nothing is being done at school. Movie days and potlucks are not what Sterling likes as it is boring and no fun for him. I think he would rather learn until the end but understands that once report cards are submitted nothing seems to happen in our school. He is trying to convince me to let him stay home tomorrow as he has a substitute teacher AND a full movie day. I haven't decided yet. We'll see how the rest of the day goes.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Week 39 and the weather is supposed to be 35 today with wicked thunderstorms tonight. Yikes! Kaedo is playing about an hour away tonight and so we'll have to see what the weather is like there. Like Craig says, you can leave here in the thunder but when you get there it is clear. I am not going tonight as I have another commitment but the rest of the fam is attending. The boys finish school next week and we will be shooting our week 40 picture. Lots going on over the next little while: - 2 soccer games this week - soccer tournament this weekend - kaedo's birthday - report cards - sterling's grad - last day of school - petrica's birthday - my trip to vegas Yikes! I better make sure my calendar is up to date!

Tuesday, 19 June 2012


This is what happens when you go over your handlebars. A week ago Sterling was heading to his buddy N's house and he hit a curb the wrong way and over he went. Poor kid. All by himself too. Not too long ago he would have been screaming bloody murder making everyone around him think he had lost his leg. Amazing what a few years does. Once he got to N's house, he got patched up but was a little leery to get back on his bike. They didn't bike that night but had fun hanging out together. When he got home his biggest concern was the blood on his shorts. You know they're growing up when the stain is a bigger deal than the road rash.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Talk about late! Sunday afternoon and I'm posting this now. I think I better start taking the pictures on Monday mornings, just so I get them out of the way! Scary looking boys in this picture. They both look a tad creepy and what's with Sterling's hair???? Oh well, they can't all be masterpieces. Lots to talk about and share this week so the blog won't be silent. For now though I have to get some rice cooking for the dad of this household since he's out playing Frisbee with Sterling. Last but not least HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to my dad and second dad. You are so loved and both Craig and I are so privileged to have you as our dads. We love you. Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Thought I'd post a blast from the past. The first day of Summer this year is officially June 29 but in 2008 they got a couple of extra days. In 5 years we have had short hair and long hair and blond hair and brown hair. We have have had swim trunks and jean shorts and swimming pools and water balloons. So many good memories for us all. The boys have a very busy Summer with lots of soccer and biking, a trip to Washington DC with Amma and Baba, a visit from them as well, a visit from Gramma and Grampa and some time spent the four of us golfing, family walks, time at the beach and being together. Just a little over two weeks left and then our house will be full of smelly boys and all their friends. Can't Wait!

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

I'm not sure how it happened, but we have a family of water bottles living on our kitchen counter. They have been there for at least 6 months and they all get used in some sort of weird rotation I have yet to figure out. Some come and spend a few days, others join in the evening and are gone in the morning. I know I should put them away but I like them. Is that weird?

Monday, 11 June 2012

Kaedo has decided he wants to teach Ketchup some tricks so Saturday night was the first class. I think Ketchup taught him a few things! He was more than willing to go over the short jump but there was no way Kaedo was going to get him over the tall one. Ketchup sqooched through the smallest spaces to get around going over. There were a lot of laughs and unfortunately for Ketchup not too many treats left since the girlies were here so he had to do a lot of work to get a little morsel. I told Kaedo we had to make a point of getting some more treats before setting up another training session. The only real question is... who is being trained???

Sunday, 10 June 2012

We played in Ottawa last weekend. 6 games, 2 days, 800kms, rain rain and more rain. Not my most favorite weekend. The best part was being with my boy. I'll take all that other crap just for a chance to spend time with him. And I did. A wonderful mom from our team brings her camera to games and tournaments and spends almost the entire time taking pictures. She then has them printed and gives them to us. So awesome. Another tournament next weekend so I'm hoping for good weather. Keep my fingers crossed.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

grade 8 graduate

Is it possible that Sterling is graduating from 8th grade in just a few short weeks? I can't believe it. He is going to be in high school in just a few months and I think I will sit down and bawl my eyes out. He already calls me short stuff. Craig and I are thrilled for him and how well he has done. We know he will do well in high school. N's sister A recently said to me "he's big, good looking and nice, he'll be fine in high school". I'm holding her to that - ha!

Friday, 8 June 2012

week 37

Week 37. Only three more weeks before school is out and we are doing our summer shots. This year we won't have any trampoline or swimming pool shots as we have decided not to put them up any more (too old) and the boys have given them to Em and Av. Jessica gave both of those gifts to the boys so many years ago and now we are able to give them to the girls to enjoy. Apparently Av loves the trampoline so that will be great, and they both love the water. This picture is kind of funny as it was taken after school and the sun was blaring on the side of the house. Kaedo had to have the glasses on Gnomee and Sterling thought it was dumb, and Kaedo had to have Ketchup in the picture, and Sterling thought it was dumb.... do you see a pattern forming here? Anyway, we got the picture, late as it was and here it is. The weather is beautiful and the kids are in shorts. Kaedo says he is staying out of the heat by vegging in the basement and Sterling has gone biking with N. Although when I texted him he was in their house. I told him to go outside via text. L (mom) must have been wondering what was going on. I can just hear Sterling saying to her "my mom says I have to go outside". Aaahhh for the love of cell phones! Craig should be home any minute and the weekend will officially begin. Football and the last game of the Stanley Cup Playoffs are for sure on the agenda. Here he is! Let the weekend begin!

Monday, 4 June 2012

We're baaaackk!

After our weekend trip to Ottawa, I can honestly say I have never loved sleeping in my own bed so much. Kaedo played 6 games in 2 days in torrential downpour. Truly awful. I must admit that as of today I am sick of soccer and this is only the beginning of the season. Thank goodness we have a weekend off before the next tournament. Kaedo played very well and I was really proud of him. Pictures tonight, league game tomorrow, practice on Thursday and then a couple of days off to just hang out and be a kid. It was so rainy I didn't even get any pictures. Maybe some of the other moms with the fancy cameras will share.