Sunday, 12 July 2009

Needless to say, the first thing on my to do list tomorrow morning is:
"Call Insurance Company"


KPJC said...

That is horrible! Did it wreck anything else in the backyard - the pool? What a weird summer so far!
Jacob wanted to tell you tht he learned how to ride his bike yesterday. It started wit just learning how to steer and then by afternoon he was peddling. I am not sure if it helped seeing his cousins ride around, but I would guess that his two heros (Sterling and Kaeden) were the motivation he needed. Thanks. In other breaking news that will be on the blog soon - Caleb is pulling himself up in his crib, on Jacob's train table, the stairs . . . . Therefore, our lives are changing, especially Jacob's! Good luck with the insurance.

Denis & Irene said...

This could be your lucky day! A new roof on the insurance company cannot be a bad thing. Hope nothing uninsured was damaged though.

Huge storm here late this afternoon. It was awesome. Loads of lightning, thunder, hail and rain. The sky was amazing, just so angry. Some of the staff were tornado watching and said they saw some funnels form but of course they didn't go vertical and just dissipated. Love a good storm!!

It's almost the middle of July and summer isn't here yet. The weather is getting worse in this country, no global WARMING here.

Love to all