Recently Kaeden has been watching stop motion lego videos on You Tube. This prompted Shannon and I to ask ourselves, 'What kind of losers spend their time making those kinds of things?' No sooner said than did our intrepid little Steven Spielberg and George Lucas wannabes haul out their lego guys and Shannon's camera to make one of their own. Now there must be better ways I can use my 'knack' (as Kelly and I are afflicted with) than to spend a perfectly good Sunday night helping the kids move lego characters in such small amounts as to make it look as though they are moving. The kids had fun building the set and moving the guys as well as adding necessary voice overs. (Shannon and I have voice cameos and didn't even charge for our services). The kids originally wanted to post it on YouTube but I think based on the fact it was shot in under an hour, the quality isn't what they were hoping for. They learned some lessons from their first crack at it and will likely try again. Maybe next time we won't cram ourselves in a corner of Sterling's room and get some decent lighting. Listen to me, yeesh, I'm pathetic, starting to sound like one of losers Shannon and I were talking about.
Now I'll have to warn the viewers that the following video is rated R for graphic violence. I don't know where the kids get their screenplay ideas from but I'll have to blame their grandparents for the violent movies they take them to :) Actually I don't know what it is with boys and guns but as much as we never let them play with guns when they were young, even our kids aren't immune. I suppose I should take solace in the fact that the bad guys get killed in the end... Damn, I guess I just ruined the ending, oh well, at least I don't have to worry about you asking for your money back.
Too funny! Don't blame the grandparents for the violent movies, we only go to animated ones.
That was a really great video boys, your imaginations are amazing, get better camera people though if you want to be stars. They are amazing to watch and we sure hope that you are saving all these so that you can look at them again when you're older. Thanks you for sharing, it's very amazing.
Love you tons
Love to all
Great trailer - when does the movie come out??? I do not think that I have that kind of knack, because I am still wondering if it was really play dough for the blood. Good job.
I agree with Irene - grandparents are not to blame for the violent movies!! Great job on the video - you'll have to take it to school for Show & Tell!! That Lego has sure been alot of fun for you both and kept you from getting bored this summer.
Great talking to you yesterday Kaeden - I brought some of the books upstairs already so I wouldn't forget to bring them along.
Stan's off golfing with Leonard this morning and then after lunch Gord, Leonard & Stan are heading to Saskatoon to go to car races. They won't be getting home till very late in the morning. I'm off with my sisters and mom for the day and then Sandra, Sheila, Danelle & I have a supper date.
Denis - we hear you met our friend Larry Gould at your campspot a couple of weeks ago - small world isn't it.
Have a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!
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