Friday, 24 July 2009

The boys have been up to it again. They built this "duplex" that is just amazing. I've labeled the different cool features of each room. The one with the Christmas tree is Kaedo's side. I don't know where they come up with this stuff but it sure is cool.
Rainy weather today. We went to a program at the library this morning. It was OK, but not as much fun as the Waterfront Trail program we did on Tuesday.
We came home, had lunch and now the kids are playing in the pool and jumping on the trampoline. The clouds are looming, it's raining and they are having a blast.
Princess Sparkly Pants Update - mom and baby will most likely be going home today. Hopefully I'll have some pictures by the end of the weekend I can show off.
Yells for towels have now filtered into the office - have a great Friday!


GrmpaGrmma said...

What an imagination both boys have - wonderful to see them having so much fun together. Sorry to hear it's rainy there again today. We just got home and it's 26 outside and 24 inside. Stan & I are heading over to Jean & Lionel's place to babysit Bretta & Cody's little guy, Noah - 7 months. Their house is air conditioned and so we don't mind going there at all. They are all going to a wedding this afternoon at 3:00 p.m. Linda & I went over to mom's this morning and had coffee with her and let her try on her outfit for Christine & Greg's wedding just to make sure it still fits. Then we took her for a dr. appt. and after we got out, mom wanted to treat Linda, Sam, Stan & I for lunch. We had to pick up her pills from the Coop and we just dropped her off. Stan's downstairs for 1/2 rest and then we're off to Jean's place. Wish us luck - Shannon, I'm not able yet to run after little ones so Stan has to help me out. I'm hoping that I look enough like Jean that Noah will be okay with us. Looking forward to seeing more photos of little Avery. BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

How long did it take you both to build that duplex? You have so much imagination and skill. I love the hamburger and the xmas tree. It's all very wonderful.

We ate out last night but it was too hot the night before. We are finally getting summer and it's great. Jessica and Ken's deck is perfect for morning coffee and supper, too hot for lunch though. It's 8 a.m. and the house is so quiet, I'm the only one up. Emma is staying downstairs with us and sleeping great. She's done so well with her sleep habits since her surgery. You could probably count on one hand the number of nights she's slept through since she was born but she's slept through every night this week.

Avery is such a good baby so far (so far being her mom's words). She nurses well and she isn't crying. Hope they spent a good night upstairs. Her days and nights are turned around but Jessica is wasting no time getting her straightened out. Emma loves her new sister always wanting to hold her and kiss her, talk about stressing her dad out. Ken's like an old mother hen around Avery. I don't remember him being like this with Emma.

Next weekend we'll go to Calgary to show off the new addition. This weekend, Dad is taking his motorcycle driving test again. They had him signed up for last weekend but didn't realize he hadn't done the written part so he couldn't go for the driving part. He did the written on Monday and will hopefully get his license today. Ken and Jody have had him out and about this week. Work goes well, not as challenging as at the start but getting new projects and it is quite busy. I'm very happy being back at work but I also miss travelling very much. The girl I'm replacing came in yesterday to help my co-worker for a half hour. She still has two more treatments and will be ready to come back by mid September. These jobs are working out so well for me. We don't miss the summer by working as we get summer all winter. Life's great.

Love to all