Tuesday, 10 February 2009

would you like fries with that?

That's how it felt on my first day on the job. It would definitely be easier to work at McDonalds. Man - what a lot of work. I am not adverse to working hard, but boy, there is so much I don't know about the banking industry. In saying that, I know a hell of a lot more than I did when I started 2 months ago.
We were supposed to be on our own last night but we ended up having someone helping us. Thank God! Going into it I really thought I had a good handle on things. I found out quickly enough that I know very little compared to what I need to know. Well, today is another day, and I am grateful for the job. We will be having some help again today and I am hoping that I will be able to accomplish a lot more on my own.

All else is good here. The boys are doing great. They had their snowboarding lessons on Sunday, and Kaedo just really hates it. It is important to us that he finishes off his lessons, but snowboarding is definitely not for him. I went and talked to them at the ski school and they are going to give him a one hour private ski lesson on Sunday instead. Skiing is so much easier. If he still doesn't like it he can be done, but I think it's important for him to try. He is looking forward to it, so I am happy for that. Sterling is loving the snowboarding and is having a great time. He has caught on so well and is just flying down the hills. It's hard to get him off his board at the end of his lesson. He is looking forward to the last Sunday of the month as him and Craig are going snowboarding together. Should be fun for them. Hopefully I don't get a call from the ski hill telling me Craig has fallen and broken his leg!


GrmpaGrmma said...

One thing for sure Shannon - it sounds like you will never get bored at your job. Hope things go well for you tonight.

Craig and Sterling should have fun on snowboarding together and we also hope you will not get a call that someone broke a leg. Have fun skiing Kaeden!!

Home from Line Dancing and Stan's off to his hockey and then we both have chir. appt. at 1:45 so a quick lunch before we head out. It's dull and dreary here today but only minus 1 with wind. We went for a long walk yesterday afternoon because it was beautiful here - sunny and warm. Forecast is for snow and freezing drizzle but so far that hasn't happened.

Hope you're all having a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

Skiing is easier Kaed. When your dad and I took a snowboarding lesson years ago in Calgary, he was able to stand and I never got off my butt. I found it very difficult to swing the board around, in fact I just couldn't do it. Skiing, however, was another thing. I loved it and although I went places I probably shouldn't have, I still got down to the bottom of the hill in one piece. We hope you enjoy it. You know that trying something is so much more important than being wonderful at it. Good for you that you're giving it a shot.

Mom says you're awesome on the board Sterling. Knowing how competitive your dad is, go easy on him. It wouldn't be fun to have to take the bus and train with a broken leg.

Weather is awesome today but it was a working day so no sightseeing. Oh well, there's tomorrow.

Love to all