Tuesday 17 February 2009

setting a bad example

Sometime over the weekend I asked the boys if they had any homework. No. This morning I asked if their agendas had been signed. No. Lo and behold. Sterling had a math worksheet due today and it was 8:50am. Thankfully he was ready to go and could sit down and work on it for a few minutes. Unfortunately, he wasn't yet finished when I started herding them to the door. So on the way to school he is frantically trying to finish all these questions and asking me questions like "seven kids got seven pencils over seven days - how many pencils did they get?" Yikes. When we got to school Kaedo jumped out and started walking and Sterling stayed in the van to finish off the last of his questions. I helped him answer as many questions as I could and thought I had done quite well. Until I was on my way home and realized that 6x7 doesn't = 36. oops.

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

I thought you said it was Sterling's homework. Can the question be asked, "Are you smarter than a 5th grader"?

A wonderful day again today but Dad is putting down the awning so that the dew won't get on it. That's when you know it's time to go. We've had a wonderfull time in the Orlando area, so now its off to more adventures in unknown regions.

Love to all