Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Snow Angel

The days just seem to be getting away from me and the last thing on my mind seems to be updating this blog. Sorry about that. I just need to get through this last week of training and I should be back on track. Wanted to post these pictures of Sterling in his snow fort that he made. After snowboarding on Sunday he spent about an hour outside building tunnels and having fun. He called me out to see and I just had to take some pictures. Yes, he is gorgeous.
All is well here. The boys both went to school yesterday after being home sick on Monday. Kaeden finished his school swimming lessons yesterday and passed. He is now going into level 5. He was thrilled.
Not much else to tell you. The weather is cold, the snow is plentiful and every one is well.
Talk soon,


Denis & Irene said...

yes, he is gorgeous. Sorry you weren't feeling well but hope you're doing better Kaedo. It's cold here today and will be tomorrow also but then warming up on Friday. We're a little bummed out as Discovery launch has been postponed until after Feb 19 but no new date has been set. We'll be further north but still within driving distance until the end of the month. We were looking forward to sleeping on our lawn chairs in alligator country.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

Glad to hear the boys are both feeling better! Congratulations Kaeden on your swimming test.

We just watched t.v. tonight and saw the commercial for Pepsi - too funny!

Great photos and I'm glad we don't have that much snow - GREAT SNOW FORT STERLING! Today it was so beautiful out and lots of running water which in turn makes for a very dirty car.

Hope all is well with everyone - BIG HUGS TO ALL!