Thursday, 2 October 2008

This guest edition of the blog is provided by:

Shoreline Welding Ltd
Sonic Body and Paint Shop
Reptile World
The Vineyard (that would be the name of my house)

It happened just today. That fateful moment we knew would happen eventually. Moving in we were fully prepared for what awaited us, yet we truly believed this problem only affected others, not us. We were sure no one near us could possibly suffer this terrible fate. Then it happened. Emma had riden her tricycle into the neighbors garage. The neighbor, Lola* (*names have been changed to protect the identity of the victims), was trying to get her children in the car. The oldest child, Hamish*, had electric guitar lessons. The middle child, Bartholemew* had a school thing. The youngest, Oncha*, was simply along for the ride. When I left the garage with my child the neighbor started screaming with force. I thought it was the last straw with her children and quickly grabbed my phone to call social services. I turned quickly to stave off any abuse and that is when I saw her face contorted with the hysterics that were escaping her lungs. It was there, right in front of me. There was nothing I could do. As the danger fled and safety was marginally restored I examined more closely the perpatrator of the damage. We all breathed a sigh of relief when we saw it was a huge fear, but not our worst fear. Once a small degree of calm returned we heard the sound that broke our hearts. It was Bartholomew, weeping from the hysterics brought about by his mother and I. The other children, mine included, were beside themselves trying to piece back their shattered lives. As we worked as a team to calm Bartholomew, only one question escaped our lips... Would it be back? Can we continue to live like this? We will have to wait and see.

** click to enlarge picture

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

You really should write a book. You're only in trouble if the snake offers you an apple. When you told me it was two feet long I joked to dad that it was probably only 6", but it looks all of 2 feet. What is Lola* going to do? Snakes are protected now so you can't kill it. I would have loved to be there watching the two of you being hysterical.