Wednesday, 15 October 2008

starting again

So, I wrote this long post about how much I love Wednesdays and everything that is so great about them and then everything imploded. My stupid kid (ya, go ahead, call Social Services - today he is stupid) - got into a fight at school. What an idiot. What's worse is that there was no, "oh, I shouldn't have done that". Nothing. All over a stupid ball and a place in line. I guess when you are that age that is a major deal but geez, kid - think!
We had big plans for today, me and my boys. Now, one of them is in their room until supper time for narking and the other is in his room until tomorrow for being STUPID and lippy. I am not opposed to narking, don't get me wrong. In fact, I like a good nark every now and then. What I don't like is when one tells on the other just to be spiteful. Because then I have to be spiteful and really folks, it is all about me.
So, there you have it. On the upside, I don't have to help HIM with his homework - he'll be doing that on his own tonight.
As an aside, the other him, that will remain nameless, qualified for the Harrier team and will be competing for his school next Thursday. Good job, kid!


GrmpaGrmma said...

Hope the rest of your week gets better!! Oh the fun of raising children RIGHT!! Love them through thick and thin! BIG HUGS TO MOM & DAD this time! Hang in there. Hopefully next Wednesday will bring something good for you.

I'm winding down from all the b'day celebrations this past week. Returned lots of things yesterday and still have a couple more to return tomorrow. I want everything done before we leave next week. I started putting some things in the spare bedroom in preparation for our holiday. We still haven't heard what time we leave S.C. on Friday morning but hopefully we will find out this week sometime.

We're hoping for some nice weather this weekend so we can clean up dead flowers and put all the summer "stuff" away. I don't want to be working with gloves on!

Take care - love you lots!

Denis & Irene said...

I love it...I could never guess who it was.