The time has come - as we always knew it would. Sterling is getting braces. Tuesday morning we went to see his orthodontist and Dr. Pong told us that the time is now. Or almost now. His first appointment will be September 4. On that day he will get all his impressions done and his xrays. Two weeks after that we will have a consult with Dr. Pong and he will map out exactly what has to be done and approximately how long it will take and how broke we will be. A week after that he will get his tracks. Right now he figures 2+ years. Sterling is not thrilled, "but I love gum!", but that's what needs to be done and Craig and I don't see it as an option seeing as his teeth are all over the place. He has 12 more teeth to come in (not right now) and he only has space for about half of them. One side is good, the other, not so much. Tracks, it is. The only upside for him was that there are different colored elastics that he could wear. Apparently orange is on his list for a test drive.
Personally, I love braces. Personally, I think he is going to look awesome. Personally, I have been told that obviously I love Kaedo more. hmmm. It is looking like Kaedo might need braces as well, but I need to get Sterling done before I can consider dealing with him. He's good for another couple of years.
me: "Sterling, braces as sparkle to your smile"
sterling: "whatever"