Sunday, 22 March 2015

College Bound....or Not?

Yesterday Craig, Sterling and I visited Sterling's first choice college campus. We did the tour, talked to people, convinced him a radio show about cars would be cool, and then went to the sister campus and saw what he really wanted to see - the auto shop.

Craig and I waffle on our want for Sterling to be a mechanic. I think it is a classic case of wanting more for your children. Like maybe he could be a mobster - now that's power. However, in watching him speak with the instructors, be engaging, knowledgeable and strong in his convictions as to his life plan, how do we or any parent stop their children from being who they want to be. Except drug dealer, I would draw the line there.

Sterling is in a very interesting and enviable position in which he has been tapped to apply for and OYAP (Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program) scholarship and we will begin the process today of getting the paperwork prepared. He will hand that in this week and wait until the week of May 25 for an interview. There are only 20 of these scholarships available he our region (which is hundreds of kilometers and approximately 50 high schools).

What is amazing about this program is that should Sterling gets this scholarship, he will have the opportunity to finish out his high school education taking college courses and getting his level one Apprenticeship. To be licensed in Ontario he must get Level 1, 2 and 3. The kids that get these scholarships are the best of the best. They have experience, knowledge and the ability to work in big shops, learning and doing. What we learned yesterday, is that should he be accepted, get his level one and be accepted to continue his apprenticeship with a shop/dealership, he actually won't go to college. The company he works for will work with the government to provide him with the technical experience and classroom knowledge to get his level three and become a licensed mechanic.

Alternately, he will still apply for college in the fall to all the Motive Power technician colleges in the area as a fall back. Interestingly even after taking that two year program, he will NOT have his level one.

So, while we have always told the boys that a college education is a must, it looks like Sterling may have to the opportunity to laugh in our faces and say 'Booyah!'

We'll keep you posted.

As for Kaedo, we had really hoped that he could join us but alas a 3 month-with the opportunity for permanent, job has come his way and he will now be working Fridays after school and all day Saturdays. He is thrilled with the opportunity and certainly chose going to work over spending the day with us.

While he is unsure of what college path he wants to take - yes, we know he is only in grade 10 but here he will have to make the decision in grade 11, Craig found a couple of programs that might interest him. When we spoke with him last night, there was one in particular he was very interested in. Blasting Techniques. In other words, when people ask us when he does, we will very coolly be able to say "He blows shit up". Amazingly, I have a feeling that is what he's going to choose.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So exciting for you Sterling and we hope that you do get a scholarship. No matter what you plan to do at this age, it is never too late to change your mind and go on with something that you feel strongly about later in life. There can be nothing worse than being in a job you don't really like just because you have seniority or a pension or health insurance. Being old, as we are, we have met so many people that regret their work choices just because of the perks. Go for what you want and never be afraid to change your mind. Many, many people have led the second half of their lives in positions or careers that they love. They just didn't know they'd love them when they were 18 or 28. We are thrilled for you and maybe your love of cars is genetic as you have Lavigne family members who are extremely successful in Vancouver. They are third generation owners of a very thriving car engine business. No matter what you choose or desire, we wish you every success.

Kaedo, sounds like a heck of a good career. Imploding buildings has to be one of the coolest careers going. It has fascinated me ever since the hospital that your mom and anti were born in was imploded. Congratulations on your job, hopefully, it will turn to full time in the summer. A full time job will certainly help you achieve your car goal. Your employer has picked one of the best and they are very lucky to have you.

18 holes on Havasu Springs course today, also known as Billygoat Hill. Sucks you in for the first 5 holes and then cleans your clock on the last 4. It's like climbing a ladder from tee to green on the 6th hole and climbing down a ladder from tee to green on the 9th. The 7th and 8th are not to be believed. Being suckers for punishment, we did it twice. Too much fun! Denis is punishing himself some more playing water volleyball as I sit in the cool clubhouse typing. Hate the thought of leaving next week but we both agree that we need a reality check, so back north we go.

Hope everyone has a great week.

Love to all