PLANNING a fun summer with my boys
THINKING maybe it's time to go back to work - but do I want to give up what I provide for our family right now? Can't do both. And don't comment that you can, because you're full of shit
FEELING calm. The weather is beautiful, my family is happy and my dog is damn cute
WISHING for a little more money. Who isn't? Guess that goes back to the job thing...
READING anything by Kristan Higgins I can get my hands on. Getting ready to tackle the latest Fiona Walker. Woot Woot
STARTING crocheting hats for the Christmas season - no you won't be getting a hat as a gift - keep your pants on
WATCHING the last episode of season 6 of Castle. By far my favorite show EVER!
PICKING my nose (just kidding)
WEARING white sleeveless t-shirt and 3/4 jeans
LEARNING that this mid-life crisis will pass
SMELLING Kaedo's deoderant. Old Spice. He smells great!
WANTING ongoing happiness and health. It's my turn right?
LOVING being with my guys. Families rock!
Wow - it's hard to believe the boys will be done school in a few weeks time. Have a fun summer with them for sure!
We also love the show Castle BUT were so disappointed the way the last show ended. Stan won't even watch the reruns anymore:( Hope it starts up again in the fall:)
Happiness and health is definetly your turn and we are wishing you the best of everything for sure!!
Hope everyone is having a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!
I'm sure there'll be lots of fun things to do this summer. There is so much that goes on in a big city.
Having friends over for dinner tonight and tomorrow night. It would be nice to have a few couples in all at once but it is too crowded inside then and the weather is too iffy right now to depend on it being warm enough to sit out. Looking forward to going to the Hat on Thursday to see the girls in their year end recital. Really looking forward to seeing Avery and the progress she's made this year. Can't imagine that she is old enough to compete next year. Where has the time gone?
A thunderstorm blew through here an hour ago, lasted 10 minutes and now it's sunny again but clouds are starting to gather once more.
Have a good week everyone.
Love to all
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