Wednesday, 29 August 2012

It's almost over....

The last week of the Summer is almost over and I truly can't believe it. The boys have had such a wonderful couple of months and are so lucky to have a couple more fun filled days. I am working more this week and training with a new team to cover my return-to-work hours. I am loving it and hope to have the opportunity to remain with them. As it stands now that doesn't seem likely but I am hoping that something might come out of it.

Craig has been hard at work but as of 4:30pm today he has 5 days off. Hopefully he'll get the opportunity to play some football this weekend. He's not too sure with it being the holiday. We may be able to use our last gift certificate and spend some time on the golf course.

Kaedo played his last game of soccer last night and was brilliant. I think gramma and grampa were impressed. The opponents were a rough team (on our last meeting their coach took a swing at ours) and that makes every 13 year old boy (and their parents) ticked off. It makes for a lot of action. After the game Kaedo asked his coach for his player book and his coached asked if he was going to play for another team. Kaed told him he didn't know if he was coming back to play in the Fall. His coach was very surprised and said some very nice things to him which stirred up a whole bunch of emotions causing Kaedo to be quite upset. We've talked about another season in depth and now we're leaving it to him to make a decision. I think we'll quietly be able to guide him to a different activity but we'll see.

Sterling goes to his new school in the morning with N for a grade 9 (gasp) orientation and BBQ. How can he be in grade nine? That is just shocking. I can't wait to hear all about it.

The boys have a wonderful evening planned for tomorrow (Thursday) night. They will be heading into T.O. to see the Blue Jays play.  This is something grampa really wanted to do and the boys are thrilled to go. It will be their last night here and while the boys have invited me, as have Stan and Shirley, anyone who knows me well knows I really believe in kids spending one on one time with their grandparents. We have fostered these relationships since infancy and because of that they are all so close. The other part is they get to act a little differently when with their grandparents and get spoiled a little more when mom or dad aren`t around.

Big news coming on Friday..... you`ll  have to wait and see! (I`m pregnant - ha! just joking!!!)

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