Wednesday, 29 July 2009

A little sun and a lot of heat made the pool very inviting yesterday. The boys spent about an hour splashing around, diving for Lego (of course), doing handstands and jumping off the ladder. They had a blast.

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Lego Cinema

Recently Kaeden has been watching stop motion lego videos on You Tube. This prompted Shannon and I to ask ourselves, 'What kind of losers spend their time making those kinds of things?' No sooner said than did our intrepid little Steven Spielberg and George Lucas wannabes haul out their lego guys and Shannon's camera to make one of their own. Now there must be better ways I can use my 'knack' (as Kelly and I are afflicted with) than to spend a perfectly good Sunday night helping the kids move lego characters in such small amounts as to make it look as though they are moving. The kids had fun building the set and moving the guys as well as adding necessary voice overs. (Shannon and I have voice cameos and didn't even charge for our services). The kids originally wanted to post it on YouTube but I think based on the fact it was shot in under an hour, the quality isn't what they were hoping for. They learned some lessons from their first crack at it and will likely try again. Maybe next time we won't cram ourselves in a corner of Sterling's room and get some decent lighting. Listen to me, yeesh, I'm pathetic, starting to sound like one of losers Shannon and I were talking about.

Now I'll have to warn the viewers that the following video is rated R for graphic violence. I don't know where the kids get their screenplay ideas from but I'll have to blame their grandparents for the violent movies they take them to :) Actually I don't know what it is with boys and guns but as much as we never let them play with guns when they were young, even our kids aren't immune. I suppose I should take solace in the fact that the bad guys get killed in the end... Damn, I guess I just ruined the ending, oh well, at least I don't have to worry about you asking for your money back.

Agent 009

Had the opportunity to return to the Waterfront Trail and participate in this weeks program - "Agent 009". The program was based on the library's Summer Reading Program - which the boys are also involved in. They did a lot of fun things today. They did a dress-up relay race, limboed, made secret agent dog tags, played some games and had a lot of fun. While I preferred last weeks program, they both liked this one more. I think I liked last week because the parents were involved. This week I just stood around and took pictures. The weather is warm although it is cloudy and since the boys had so much fun this morning they are going to love what I have planned for this this afternoon. Chores - and lots of them!

Monday, 27 July 2009


Another sneak peak at a layout I just completed. This, like the other one, is for the design team I am working on. I love it. I think I have to go back to 12x12.
Not only do we have Lego strewn throughout the upstairs, we also now have it all over the trampoline. The boys have been playing Lego all morning. I told them they needed to get outside and be in the sun. So what did they do? Drag their Lego out there and are playing with it on the trampoline. Maybe I needed to be more specific. GO RUN AROUND!

Saturday, 25 July 2009

First one back, after a two year hiatus from 12x12 layouts. I love this picture and had to scrap it. Jessica - I hope you like it.

Friday, 24 July 2009

The boys have been up to it again. They built this "duplex" that is just amazing. I've labeled the different cool features of each room. The one with the Christmas tree is Kaedo's side. I don't know where they come up with this stuff but it sure is cool.
Rainy weather today. We went to a program at the library this morning. It was OK, but not as much fun as the Waterfront Trail program we did on Tuesday.
We came home, had lunch and now the kids are playing in the pool and jumping on the trampoline. The clouds are looming, it's raining and they are having a blast.
Princess Sparkly Pants Update - mom and baby will most likely be going home today. Hopefully I'll have some pictures by the end of the weekend I can show off.
Yells for towels have now filtered into the office - have a great Friday!

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Rainy Day

It is pouring rain today! Can you tell? The boys are having a great time. They are slipping and sliding all over the trampoline, jumping around, having a blast. Thankfully they actually put on their swim trunks. Usually they just go out in the rain/into the pool in their clothes. I have so many wet clothes that need to be washed! I told them they had to put their trunks on - I'm tired of the laundry! I can hear them shrieking from here. So fun.

Sterling got a call from the Library last night informing him that he had won a coloring contest that he had entered last week. He won a new book. He was so thrilled. I think he asked me about 10 times this morning when we were going to go to the library. So, up there we went and he got his new book. He was so happy. It is part of a series he really likes. So, congratulations to him.
In other news, Princess Sparkly Pants is doing great and her big sister is in love. Now I need to think of a good name for my sweet Em. Hmmm. Must get working on that!

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

It's Official!

It's official - her name is:
Avery Elizabeth Lavigne

I am so honored and thrilled to share a name with this little bundle of squishy love. I can't wait to meet her. Jessica has taken lots of pictures and once I get them I'll post some more.

On a side note - I have just shown this to Sterling and this was his reaction:
Sterling: Awww (not in a good way) Avery Elizabeth?
Me: Yes, that's a great name - what did you want it to be?
Sterling: Avery Princess Sparkly Pants Lavigne

So to us, she will always be - Princess Sparkly Pants

Congratulations to Ammy and Baba. I think this is it, so now you've got your two boys and two girls! Perfect!

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

She's Arrived

AVERY Princess Sparkly Pants LAVIGNE
has arrived!
6:08pm, 7lbs 8.7 oz, 19.1 inches

If you haven't already realized, her middle name is not "princess sparkly pants" but as of press time no middle name had been released. Apparently Ken doesn't know what it is yet, so Jessica didn't tell me. (the nerve!- our readers have the right to know!)

Jessica arrived at the hospital at 5:55pm and had Avery at 6:08pm. Nothing like taking your sweet time (not).

We are thinking of them and love them so much and look forward to seeing pictures of this new baby.

Orienteering 101

Today we went to a FREE (love that!) program called "Tuesdays on the Trail" that is sponsored by Ontario Power Generation. Today's program was all about orienteering and was just awesome. The boys were a little unsure when we got there because they were the oldest kids, but the three of us just had a great time. They showed us how to use a compass and a map (good to know), talked about hazards when hiking and what you should be prepared for and then unleashed us with a map and worksheet a compass and a pencil. We walked all over using our compass and map, searching for clues and answering the associated questions. We really worked good as a team. Sterling was great at writing out the symbols and keeping track of our answers, Kaeden was a map-reader extraordinaire and I kept everyone moving along and was today's photographer (every day's photographer, I guess). The program started at 10am and we got home at about 11:40am.
The boys have been playing Lego and now Sterling has gone to check the pool. Hopefully they will get out there and splash around for a couple of hours before work. Kaedo is a little leery about getting on his bike as he took a major spill last night into a creek and is not too willing to get back on his bike today. Craig will probably talk him into it tonight.
Jessica went to the doctor this morning and Princess Sparkly Pants is set to make her entry into the world sometime this week. We have our fingers crossed, for all of them. Will keep you posted.

Monday, 20 July 2009

While Craig and I don't let Ketchup sleep on our bed, Sterling has no such rule. This is what I found when I woke him up this morning at 9am. Sterling and Ketchup sharing a pillow, Sterling holding on to his favorite dog. Cute.

Sunday, 19 July 2009

Life Changing

Travelling the "Highway of Heroes" 10 times a week (sometimes more) is just my way of getting from point A to point B. It hasn't been until recently that I became so aware of the Highway and it's true significance. The Highway of Heroes (aka 401) is the road that is taken from CFB Trenton into Toronto when a Canadian soldier dies in the line of duty. Many afternoons on my way to work I see people standing on the bridges over the 401 (all the way from Trenton right to Toronto) with their Canada Flags flying, their hands waving. I have waved many times and honked my horn on numerous occasions.

A few weeks ago we saw the flags and the crowds and I really wanted to be a part of it. Unfortunately we were too late and the procession passed just as we were getting out of the van.

Another soldier died this week and today we honored him. We stood on the bridge with 100 other people with our flags, our peace signs and our waves. It was amazing. I know it may sound corny but it was just amazing, and heart-wrenching and sad. We stood next to a woman whose son is in the Navy (for which she is eternally grateful). She told us that this soldier was the 125th to die in this no-win, never ending war. She also told us this was the 95th time she had stood on that bridge with her flag waving, paying her respect to the dead soldier and his/her family.

She explained to us that when a soldier dies, they are flown to CFB Trenton where the Governor General, family and friends meet the aircraft and have a ceremony. A motorcade then leaves CFB Trenton and drives to Toronto where an autopsy is performed and then the bodies are sent home for a proper funeral. She told us that in Cobourg the police actually shut down the bridge as a soldier from Cobourg was one who had died and there are so many people that go to see the procession and pay their respects that they have no choice but to do so.

We stood on the Thickson Road Overpass along with other men, women and children, EMS workers and firemen all with their vehicle lights blinking and flags waving. This is something I will not forget. I realized after the fact that Craig was as moved as I was. I knew it when he said, "maybe we should put our flag in the van".

Friday, 17 July 2009


Just waiting for the weather to get better. The clouds are looking a little menacing right now. Friday. Hurray! I love my job but really look forward to Friday. Not too much going on here. Craig is working from home today so I had the opportunity to have some one-on-one time with Sterling. He is so great to be with. Just love it. Went to his favorite place - the mall. His debit card was burning a hole in his pocket. He loves the mall - me, I don't really, but whatever he wanted to do was OK with me.
The boys are thrilled Craig is home. They will be able to play out all afternoon, if they want. Kaedo is wrapped up in some video game right now and probably hasn't moved an inch since we left.
A trip to the zoo is in our near future and just hanging out. No movies playing right now that are on our list (family list). I've got one I'd like to see so we'll see if I'll be able to sneak away for a couple of hours on Sunday.

BABY WATCH update - no Princess Sparkly Pants yet. That little bum! Spoke with Ken this morning and he said no signs of an arrival yet. He was heading back to work today. We're thinking of them both - especially Ken. Being 4 hours away when your wife is just about to have a baby must be very nerve-wracking. For Ken's sake we hope the labour is slow progressing until he gets to the Hat. We're thinking of them. Also got a chance to speak with Em today. She was painting and hangin' with her dad. She's such a cutie. Love her.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Life is...not so much

Life is a hell of a lot of work right now. The boys just don't know what to do with themselves and so we are all frustrated. The weather hasn't been that great for days so the pool is too cold, so no swimming. The trampoline is great, but they can't jump for 8 hours straight. They are outside today "pimping out" their scooters right now and were playing with the dog earlier today by throwing a sheet over him and seeing if he could get out. They thought it was hilarious, Ketchup - not so much. I have to admit, I thought it was funny. Poor dog.
I do have some things planned for them. We are taking part in some Nature Programs put on by Ontario Power Generation and they are taking part in a weekly library reading program. I have also registered them for some other library programs as well. They will be starting next week. As for now, I am just praying to the Sun God, hoping for some stinkin' hot days that will heat up the pool.
We are now on BABY WATCH - the little bum just isn't ready yet. She must know what a maniac her sister is! Ha! I think Em is even more excited than Jessica. Jessica has definitely had enough but she'll come when she is ready. I've got the phone by the bed now as we seem to get a lot of middle of the night babies in this family.
We are now also on DISNEY Countdown! - We have both officially been given the time off and now we are just waiting for the Disney packages to come out next month so we can book our trip. Jan 1-13/2010 is what we have off, so we plan to be visiting the "Mouse House" during that time. We want to give the boys the best vacation ever.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Lego my Lego

To say we have a lot of Lego is an understatement. I think it is safe to say we have over 10,000 pieces of all shapes and sizes. Last week we attempted to get some of this under control. It is still a work in progress. We bought what we thought was enough containers for everything and started the sorting process (flat pieces, singles, wheels, etc) and found we were woefully short of containers. This week we plan to finish getting this done.
Had to show a picture of the bathroom they built. Amazing. They have so much imagination and come up with things that just blow me away. Some of their creations are just amazing. I love to see what they come up with. They are sitting on the floor of the office right now putting together some great new creations and "dressing" all the guys they have.
Sterling: "Why are you putting that cape on that guy?"
Kaedo: "Cause it looks cool".
Sterling:"Ya, but he's evil - he can't have a cape. Give him a cowboy hat".
Now they are humming the Indiana Jones theme. If only we had a giant rock that their guys could run from.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Needless to say, the first thing on my to do list tomorrow morning is:
"Call Insurance Company"

Friday, 10 July 2009

Total World Domination

Sterling using a Lego Guy instead of Shrek

Total Far Far Away Land Domination! Notice all the blue houses? Mine! Allllll Miiinnnneeee!!

Finally Sterling landed on the loose money square. He was down to his last $4. Unfortunately we had to keep playing!

Kaedo showing off his wad 'o cash

Got up this morning and did yoga (with the boys - a totally different experience!), talked to my dad and kicked their asses in Shrek Monopoly. Sterling and I are going for a swim (71 degrees - ACK) then I have to head out to work. The weekend is almost here and the weather is great. Hopefully it holds up for the weekend.
Thinking of Emma today and hoping she is feeling better. Brave girl - tonsils out, adenoid out, tubes in. So brave. Hats off to Jessica for spending the night in a hospital bed with her while 38 weeks pregnant. Thinking of you guys. Now bring on that BABY!!!!!

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Shirley - this is for you

Shirley had two requests when she knew Tica, Kelly and family were coming to visit. Have fun and get a picture. I can safely say that we achieved both. This is the first and only picture of the 8 of us and I think it turned out really well. Shirley loves it, and that's what matters. We had such a good day at the Zoo and Stan and Shirley are so good to us that the least we could do is get this picture. I can't believe that everyone was looking at the camera and smiling! I have about 50 pictures of the kids together and about 49 of them have one of the four not looking at the camera or not smiling. How this happened, I have no idea. The only other good part of this is that we don't have to do it again! Shirley - you will have to keep this picture forever - it's the only one you are getting. I know I have said it before but man - you Klassen boys (all 6 of you) are gorgeous!

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

The Boys of Summer

My guys so far this summer.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

While Jessica, Ken and Emma are anxiously awaiting the arrival our their baby girl, I thought I would post this picture of Jessica and Emma from their visit here in April. While the picture isn't great quality, they both look beautiful and happy. You can tell just by glancing at this picture the type of relationship they have.
Jessica, Ken and Emma - the phone in our room is plugged in and we are anxious to get our 4am call that our new niece has entered this world. We love you and are so excited for you.

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Just some of the great shots Craig and I got today at the zoo. We had such a great time. We got to the zoo at 9:15am and left at 4:30pm. We didn't see everything but made a big dent. We broke down and bought an annual pass and have lots of plans for future trips. The boys had a great time and it was so much fun. The weather was fantastic, the sun shining and bright and we had a lot of laughs, and just enjoyed our last day together.
We came home and had a good supper and then showers/baths for everyone and some last minute packing. Petrica is looking through my scrapbooks and I must say I am a pretty good scrapbooker. The pages brought out lots of good memories. I should sit down and look at them again.
Kelly, Tica and family will be leaving EARLY tomorrow morning (5:30am) and it has just been great. We have had such a great time together and we got a chance to show off some of our neck of the woods. Meeting Caleb was just a thrill. He is a beautiful, sweet and loving baby. I never heard him cry until tonight. He loves being held and I got a bit of a baby fix. While I in no way have a biological ticking clock, it was really nice snuggling him. Jacob is three. What more can I say? He is gorgeous and funny and smart and darling and is giving his mom and dad a run for their money. We know what they are going through and feel for them. He is definitely Sterling's cousin.
It has been a wonderful six days and we have tons of pictures and lots of wonderful memories.