Thursday 16 April 2009

pee my pants

Let me just start this by saying that Jessica gave me permission to post this picture. Let me also say that Emma is the funniest kid I have ever met. One night at supper she was making all these crazy faces. She would cross her eyes and wiggle them around and make funny noises and pull on her ears and I just have to say that it was so funny I seriously peed my pants. And I wasn't the only one! I honestly don't think I have ever seen Craig laugh so hard. I know that I was laughing so much that I couldn't catch my breath. It was so funny.
On a serious note - I just want to give kudos to Jessica. Emma is amazing and Jessica is so much of the reason why. Watching Jessica parent Em shows me why Emma is so kind, sweet, strong headed, funny, always wanting to "be in the play" and just plain old awesome. Jessica - you are doing such a great job with her. She is fantastic.
I do have a video I plan to post some time this week called "Emma's Rock and Roll ABCs". More hilarity. Stay posted!


Jessica said...

I'm so glad she made you laugh. She almost had me in tears today but for different behaviour completely. I love that picture. It's one of those pics you save for a childs wedding. Hee Hee. In lieu of gifts, please send money towards therapy!

Denis & Irene said...

She is definitely a riot. It was such a great dinner with all that performing.

I've hardly seen her today (Saturday) as she's out playing and socializing. Doesn't know which of her wheels she wants to play on next.

Kaeden, hope your brakes get fixed to your liking. You picked out such a nice bike so it better perform.

Love to all