Tuesday, 17 March 2009

The Spring Break Report

Day 2 -
Today started early with haircuts for my two favorite people. They went to the "salon" and had Candace cut their hair - last time before she goes on maternity leave. How dare she have a baby! (ha). Was going to post pictures but they look like mugshots so I decided not to. They have played outside, played with their iPods, listened to music and watched TV. It is only 12:42pm. Craig is working on the stairs. I have been working. Not too much else is going on. We don't really have too many plans for the week. We might catch a movie sometime this week and that's about it.
Craig is threatening that I need to clean and re-organize my office. He has some ideas but has not yet been able to verbalize them and I refuse to pack up all my stuff until I know exactly what is going to happen. The "Big Clean" as I am calling it, may or may not happen. We'll see. I'll keep you posted.
Mom and dad went to Cape Canaveral on Sunday and watched the shuttle launch. I mention it only because I am always so impressed with my mom and dad. They truly are the coolest people out there. They will try almost anything and they just love life. How many people can say they saw a real live shuttle launch? Too cool!
OK - boring, I know. Will try to come up with something witty. But not today.


GrmpaGrmma said...

Sounds like everyone is having a good week so far. I just read your mom's journal for the past week and yes they are having a blast!! Watching the launch must have been something totally undescribable - so glad that it went off without a hitch this time. BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

We tried to send the video of the launch but the red lights kept flashing saying "file too big, file too big". It's 10 MB, I have no idea what that means. Guess we'll have to wait until we get there to show you. Hot mail didn't want anything to do with it.

"Big Clean...how about "Mega". Ok, Ok, just a joke