Wednesday, 11 March 2009


Jury Duty was postponed, again.

The weather has been great here and the boys have been out on their bikes and scooters.

The neighbor's kids have had a fun time with the boys turning over the furniture in the basement and making forts.

Craig is working from home 3 days this week. Nice to have him here.

Tomorrow is payday. Love that!

I have absolutely no food in the house for the kid's lunches tomorrow so I will be grocery shopping before school tomorrow morning. Nice that Craig will be home tomorrow, too.

Jessica and the baby are doing great.

Just got some pictures of my cutie nephews and they are adorable!

Emma is confirming and re-confirming with her mom that Anti is in fact getting her a scooter for her birthday. (She is, I mean, I am)

Mom and dad are going to see the Space Shuttle Launch at the Kennedy Space Centre today - how cool is that???

Craig and the boys start their spring holidays on Friday. Hurray!

Ok - that's it. Back to work.

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Hope the shuttle goes Sunday as we'll still be just a two hour drive from it and we'll try again. It was still a great day as we came home for about 90 kms along the beach road. We are glad the problem with the shuttle happened before it was launched. The thought of something bad happening just sends shivers.

Love to all