Sunday, 15 March 2009

At last!

At last... I think were Sterling's first words when we arrived at the ski hill yesterday. For the last few weeks since snowboarding lessons ended he has been bugging me non-stop to go snowboarding with him. Granted, it was my fault for promising him that I would go night skiing (snowboarding) with him after lessons were done. Two weeks ago we were all set to go then he went and slammed his thumb in the car door thereby ending any hope for that weekend. Weather has been iffy but yesterday was pretty much our last chance at it. Although it has been warming up here, it has still been below zero for much of the week. Yesterday was the warmest yet at about +5 and sunny. I was concerned the snow would suck and we wouldn't be able to go (well concerned from the perspective that I would have to listen to Sterling complain about how we should have gone weeks ago). We drove to the hill and although the snow was granular it was nice out and not busy at all. Being that it was my first time out in three years, I was a little nervous that I would hold Sterling up, but to his credit he was very supportive and patient with me while I got my snowboarding legs back. He did awesome, kicked my butt going down the hill. By the end I was keeping up but he has really gotten good and he has no fear so that helps.
As it started to get dark and colder the areas that were turning slushy turned to ice so that was our cue to leave. We spent just a little over three hours there and were exhausted when we left but we both had a great time. It was really nice spending one-on-one time with him and he couldn't tell me enough how much fun he was having.

While Sterling and I were on the slopes, Shannon and Kaedo spent the afternoon with a trip to Bulk Barn for candy and then a trip to the movies followed with some Boston Pizza pizza. By the sounds of things, they had a nice time as well.

So the kids and I are on holidays this week and if it stays as nice as it is today (+10) they will be out riding bikes and scooters the whole time.

It's time now for me to sit down and relax as I am a little sore today. Sterling says he feels fine (bugger), but I guess that's the price of getting older.


shannon said...

These are the memories that kids keep with them always. It is you being the dad you are that makes their world such a wonderful one to live in. One question though. Why didn't you post the dorky picture of you wearing your helmet? Your loving wife.

KPJC said...

yah where is the dorky picture???? I do however feel your pain and all I have to do is look at the birthdate on my driver's license to realize why my bones ache after most activities - but why do I hurt when I get up after playing mini sticks with Jacob??????
Anyway, sounded like you guys had fun -the younger kids will always kick our butts Craig!!!!

Denis & Irene said...

You're on the downhill slope, Craig (no pun intended) The boys will kick butt as you're aging my darlin'. Sucks, doesn't it??? My knees ache just thinking of snowboarding but I'd be keen to ski again. It's the hip replacement afterwards that I'm not too keen on.