Snowboard bums, I should say, back in action. They both did great.
Didn't get any good video of Kaedo, but will try again next week. Kaedo was disappointed in his progress. I think he thought he would be able to pick up where he left off last year with no problems, but he is a little cautious, so he didn't do as well as he hoped. We're going to go through this set of lessons and if he doesn't feel like he has progressed enough we are going to register him in skiing next year. Sterling loved it.
GREAT PHOTOS!! You look awesome Sterling! Good luck with your lessons next Sunday Kaeden - you'll do better, we just know it.
I tried the snowboarding on the Wii and that was tough enough, I can't imagine being on the real thing.
I walked down to Curves this morning (-15 degrees and abit of wind), worked out and then walked home. Sat and had coffee and then Stan & I had chir. appts. at 10:15 a.m. Stan went down to the Manpower Centre to send in his application for Old Age Pension!!! Yikes! I worked on photos at Pharmasave till he picked me up. We came home and I started buns and making homemade turkey/refrigerator soup. It smells good and hopefully will taste okay. We have to wait till tomorrow night because we've been invited to Larry & Faye's for leftover supper and I'll bring fresh homemade buns.
The week doesn't sound too busy yet but it always seems to go by fast. I just read your mom's journal for week 8 and it sounds like they're having a ball. They both look wonderful and the photos she's taking are also wonderful. Love to read all the things they are doing.
Got to go check to see how the buns are rising so they'll be ready to put in the oven around 3:00 p.m.
Great snowboarding Sterling. Don't despair, Kaedo, you'll get it. Sometimes it just takes a little longer for somethings to click and sometimes we're just not cut out to do some stuff. I couldn't snowboard at all but I ski fairly well, at least I did, when we were in snow country. Your photos and video are great Shannon, of course, it doesn't hurt to have two gorgeous subjects to work with. Denis and I are starting Weight Watcher food plans tomorrow. Your homemade buns and turkey soup sound awesome Shirley, way better than our Progresso soup (aka blah).
Love to all
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