Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Lots of Snow!!! Craig has spent a lot of time shoveling the last few days. Our snow piles are taller than the boys. As you can see by the pictures, Ketchup is loving the snow. He spends his time outside with his head in a snow pile. All is well here. It has been cold but the roads are clear and so aside from the streets being a little narrower - there is nowhere to put all the snow - all is good. I'll tell you, I'm glad not to live in Alberta right now. A chinook would flood most houses. Mom and dad - I know you are laughing it up right now! Do you even remember what snow looks like? Do you even remember what pants look like?


GrmpaGrmma said...

WOW!!! We have snow but I think you have alot more than us. Craig mentioned the forecast is for more this weekend - hope they're wrong!

Shannon - loved the e-mail you sent. I know I've seen it before but laughed out loud again. So many of the sayings - I KNOW (and the boys can vouch for it) that I said it over the years when Kelly & Craig were growing up - TOO FUNNY!

Went to Line Dancing this morning, coffee, Stan went to hockey, chir. appts. and home for lunch. We decided to paint our bedroom downstairs and it's turned into a bigger job than we first thought it would be - as usual! We (as in Stan) painted the brown ceiling strips white and bought new ceiling tiles. Walls will be painted white. We decided to paint the cement floor grey before putting a new rug down. We had plastic baseboards and Stan didn't want to put them back in there so we decided to put white baseboards in. It's been a long time since we've done anything in there so it will be very nice when it's all done. I'm not a painter so I'm there to do the cleaning up after. There's a hockey game tonight so Stan won't be working too long before we have to stop for supper. Not sure what I'm going to keep busy at but I'm sure I'll find something.

Well - best check and see how things are going downstairs.


Denis & Irene said...

Actually, we wish we'd had pants on today as it was very cool. I had capris and birks, Dad had shorts and sandals. We went to Disneyworld and when we got home there was a note on our door saying to turn off our water as it was going to freeze tonight. It's supposed to be 80 on Thursday however. Dad drained the hose, etc. but tomorrow will probably be warm. It was sunny however, no clouds, that's probably why it was cold. You really do have a load of snow, more than I've ever seen there. I asked the guy sitting next to me on the monorail how he could stand being in short sleeves. He said he was from Canada. I told him that I was too and I am freezing. Jeans and Sneakers would have solved my problem. Hope it melts soon.

Love to all