Monday 11 August 2008

just couldn't stay away

Hello all -

Just had to get back at it. All is well here. We are on the countdown now for the boys to come home. Always cool when you are past the half way point. Lots going on here. The boys will be surprised when they get home. A couple of new paint colors, the railing being painted and hopefully the floor being done. We are excited about the changes and have even gotten rid of some of our stuff - going for a more streamlined look. Last weekend we took the vanity from in the front room (that held the computer) and put it outside at the curb and wouldn't you know it, someone came by and picked it up! Yeah, one thing we don't have to take to the dump. We also pulled out all the carpet going into the basement. Two reasons - we are painting all the spindles and it was not going to work with the carpet, AND this will motivate us to not wait until next summer to get this done. Craig is busy at work and I too am busy. Things are not dragging on too much, so that is good. The end of last week was much harder for me than any yet, but after a few nights of good sleep I am feeling much better and more motivated.

I thought I would add in some pix of what the boys have been up to. Hope you like them.
1. the handoff
2. working for their money from uncle ken
3. the boys
4. winner at the racetrack
5. winner at the ball game
6. buildin' stuff
7. the babes
8. my boys
9. boys, water and rocks - nothing better

The boys will be busy upon their return - Sterling's football weigh-in, eye appointments, and haircuts are on the agenda. I'm sure they would rather just jump on the trampoline, but too bad for them!

Talk soon,


GrmpaGrmma said...

Glad to see the blog up and running again although dad and I still checked it everyday just to see if there was anything interesting that you two were doing! You will be happy to have your boys back home again I'm sure. We had a wonderful time with them and we can hardly believe that three weeks went by so fast. Love them sooooo much!


Denis & Irene said...

We are in Drumheller after spending four days in Dinosaur Park. The boys complaint was that there was no pool so we won't be going to Cypress for our last week as there's no pool there either. Anti and Em were going to join us there but the pool is the most important so we will spend a couple of days in the Hat before going to Toronto. They love it here as there are wild rabbits to feed and loads of kids to play with. Sterling went gocarting today but Kaed didn't care to. We also climbed the dinosaur, all 100 stairs according to Kaed. Tomorrow we're going for lunch with gg, a movie and a Costco run. We have loads to do in this part of the world and now that we're not heading east until the end of our visit we will probably do way more bike rides than we would have been able to fit in. Our 36-40 km in Lethbridge was awesome but there's no sleeping in here so 7 comes early. It was very hot at Dinosaur so the boys decided that a long bike ride was not to be. Dad and I did 1/2 a loop with them and then did the whole loop by ourselves while they were vegging with Anti. They've got some great wood and stone carvings done, dad has spent hours with them on that. They seem to love it as much as he does. I've just cooked, cleaned and done laundry. Seriously, it's been awesome but the time is going too fast. We just wish we could get them interested in the Olympics so that we could watch some. Glad to see the blog up again, we've really missed it. I have more photos which I'll send SOON.

Love to all