Tuesday, 26 August 2008

back to school?

With school starting for our kids on Tuesday, I thought I might throw out a little "school days quiz". I'd love it if you'd join in. Here goes:

Name of your school(s):
St. Mary's Elementary School, St. Francis Jr. High, CCH
How did you get to school?
Mom drove me - I HATED the bus - that's why the boys don't take it
Who was your favorite teacher and why?
Mme. Paquin - she saw the real me and gave my mom some of the best advice ever! Second would be Mlle. Glavina - she was so sweet, third would be Mrs. Whimpster - she was so not sweet but she rocked!
Favorite academic subject?
Favorite extra subject (option?)
Most embarrassing thing that ever happened at school?
Got caught skipping school by my mom and the principal came to my class and asked for me in front of everyone and then gave me hell in the hall - with my mom still there!
Most memorable field trip?
Waterton with Mme. Paquin and walking to St. Patrick's Church on Mass days - it was great to be outside and know that you weren't doing school work that morning. Then again, you did HAVE to go to church!
What kind of lunch did you eat?
Sandwiches, etc. Especially remember ants-on-a-log
Favorite things to do during recess?
Play on the playground equipment/chase boys

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Marymount convent, St. Joseph's, St. Thomas Moore, St. Jude, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Henderson Business College.

Marymount - Public Bus (4 yrs old, alone) St. Joseph, St Thomas Moore, St. Jude - walked. IH of M - school bus, Henderson - walked after work.

I hated them all

Geography, spelling


My girls know, I'm not posting it

Field trip??? what Was that?

Hot lunches provided at school in England, soup when I walked home for lunch in elem, whatever...when I was bused.

Play marbles, Red Rover, dodge ball