Monday, 30 June 2014

Weekend in Review

We had a great weekend, hanging out the four of us. Plans changed many times but it was fun none the less. Yesterday found us doing some major cleaning. Sterling and Craig worked in the basement and cleaned the storage room. There were boxes of clothes that I had before having the boys that we agreed it was time I go through. So I went through everything and donated 5 bags and two boxes of clothes and only kept the most sentimental items (and the ones I may one day have a hope of getting into again). Someone is going to be very lucky as I had some very nice things.

We are continuing to work on the downstairs today where it is nice and cool. And why does that matter, you may ask? Well.... Craig and I have been putting off using the air conditioner as it really hasn't been hot enough. Well low and behold when Craig decided to put it on yesterday it wouldn't work. Ahh the irony. So there I was on the phone with our energy company requesting the quickest service appointment possible. Thankfully they are coming today and hopefully they won't tell me just to bury it. I haven't slept in two days and am hoping that some cold air pumping through the house may help that.

On another note - as it was cooler outside than in, we decided to have a fire after supper (which really makes no sense - fire = hot) and it was fun. We made schmoes (lol) and the kids burned all the work they had done in their least two favorite classes.  You would think it would be a good idea to keep for future classes, but alas, the consensus was burn baby burn. The kids loved it and you could probably see the smoke from 30,000 feet. We are loving our firepit.

Craig decided to work from home today - yay! Normally I don't really like it but today the air conditioner tech is coming and I would rather Craig deal with them. It's not that I can't, it's the supper conversation afterward that drives me crazy - "so, what about this? did you ask that? what else needs to be done? will they need to come again? does it need to be replaced?" and so on and so on. I figure if he is home, he can ask all his questions and I don't have to say "why didn't you leave me an f@#*ing list if you had things you needed to know?" So, Craig is home - yay!

Tomorrow we are going to see the new Trans.formers movie which is 2hr46min of non-stop blowing up shit and very little story. LOVE IT!

A few shout outs today - Happy birthday to my SIL P from Saturday, Happy Anniversary to my in-laws yesterday and a Happy Anniversary to my parents later on this week.

Happy Monday

Thursday, 26 June 2014

First Day Done!

What a way to start your summer holidays - a trip to BMO.Field to play soccer! The boys were thrilled with the opportunity to go and play (Kaedo) and take pictures (Sterling). They had to get up SUPER early as they had to be to the Y by 7:30am didn't get home until after 6pm. Showers were the first thing on the agenda, then laughing at Sterling's raccoon eyes (actually that may have come first).

They both had a wonderful time and it was a great way to spend a beautiful Thursday.

Tomorrow we are off to a paintball store in a neighboring town so Kaedo can buy some more gear. Part of his birthday gift was a day of paintballing with Craig and Sterling on Sunday, so he is spending his GC (thanks Anti) on a new mask and other paraphanelia so he can obliterate the competition.

We will also be going to get Sterling some sandals as he has a nasty staph infection in one of his toes (he's fine, no emails, texts or calls necessary), and the doctor has ordered no socks or runners unless necessary until it gets cleared up. Must admit it is totally disgusting. Maybe I should just get out the pizza cutter and cut it off? His doc will allow for two more rounds of antibiotics and then he will have to have surgery if necessary.

The weekend will be busy with football, a movie, a cookout and paintballing - to which I was not invited - so I think it will be a great start to Summer.

Kaedo loved all the calls and gifts he received for his birthday so thanks every one. He said the funniest call was talking to Avery. Lol. I know what those calls are like!

I had my last day at work today until the Fall. I signed on to go back in September and will hopefully have more news of some exciting things coming our way in the next month or so.

Craig is counting down to a week of holidays around the middle of the month, as well as another week in August. We are also so excited that Stan and Shirley will be coming and spending the last week of holidays (and her birthday) with us. We are also counting down to mom and dad's visit in October. Wow! Some great things coming up!

Wish me luck at the paintball store tomorrow. I am less than interested. Might take a book, ask for a chair and have Kaedo tell me when the bill needs to be paid!

Happy Thursday All!

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Happy Birthday Kaedo!

How can it be that the most kind hearted, beautiful boy in the whole wide world is ours and is 15? Man, time sure does fly when you are having fun. This boy brings so much joy to my life. I really don't know if I can explain it, but I'll try. Kaedo is the kid who is always front and centre if you need something. No chore is too much of a hassle and when called, he always says "be right there". He is quick with a smile and has a wonderful laugh that lights up my life. He is good and kind and charming. He is quiet and a loner and likes nothing better than hanging out in his room (or be playing soccer). He loves animals, grows his own garden and thrives under the attention of his parents. He is quick to tease and takes teasing with the grace we could all learn from. He is a wonderful companion who while never wanting to make the decision, is happy to go along with whatever decision has been made. He loves cars and music and movies and is strong in his belief that volunteerism is important and as such donates 12 hours a week doing so.

He is my son, my baby, my darling boy. He is my kindred spirit, the light at the end of my tunnel and a true joy. I love him with every fiber of my being.

Craig and I are so proud of the young man he has become and the man he is becoming. So on his first day of Summer holidays, and his first day of being a 10th grader, we wish him the happiest of birthdays.

Happy Birthday Kaedo!

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

The Last Day

Today is the last day of Kaedo's 14th year. Tomorrow 7:47am EST my baby will be 15. WOW! I can't believe it. As luck will have it today marked the end of finals for him so he is officially free for Summer on his 15th birthday.

When I asked him what he wanted for his birthday supper her asked if we could just have cake. When I asked him why he said then he could have seconds and thirds without being too full or me saying no because he'd already had supper. OK - cake it is!

We won't be doing too much to celebrate tomorrow aside from cake and opening his gifts as I have something planned with regard to the gifts for Friday and we have a TON of plans for celebrating on the weekend which includes the new Transformers movie and an extra special surprise on Sunday.

Check back tomorrow for a picture of my beautiful boy on his 15th birthday.


Friday, 20 June 2014

Random Crap

Today Kaedo went for lunch with his friends to a Thai restaurant and found out he's allergic to Thai food. Love them pouty, help I can't open my mouth, lips. Don't call, text or email. He's fine.

Sterling is grounded from driving until Thursday for refusing to study for finals. Specifically Science. What a schmuck.

Tomorrow is the start of the pickup football season (Say what? Didn't the regular season just finish last weekend? Why yes, it did. Thanks for asking). Both Sterling and Kaedo are playing with Craig. Let me clarify. Sterling will play 1 game, Kaedo might make the whole season.

Isn't it interesting that corn comes out looking exactly the way it goes in? hmmm

Saw the best garage sale sign today : AWESOME CRAP SALE - SATURDAY.....  I am so going.

Starting a list of chores the boys can do through the Summer to keep them busy. Adding the jobs that I don't want to do. So pretty much all of them.

There is nothing better than seeing my kids laugh. Except maybe seeing them sleep.

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Last Day

While the last day of school means different things now - learning may be over but exams are just beginning - I thought it would be fun to post this picture of the boys' last day in June 2005. How cute! Kaedo starts exams tomorrow and finishes on Tuesday and Sterling starts Friday and finishes on Wednesday. Thursday I will have to remember to get a "first day of Summer" photo.

Soak in their absolute cuteness. Now they are just big and smelly. And hairy.

Monday, 16 June 2014

The End Is Near

This is it! The last week of the classes for this school year. Kaedo starts exams on Thursday and Sterling starts on Friday. The will both finish off early next week with Kaedo's first day of summer holidays being his 15th birthday! I cannot believe that come the fall I will have a 10th and 11th grader. How the hell did that happen?

It has been an exciting year for us. Kaedo started in a new school, in a new community, no longer 'Sterling's little brother', and has thrived both socially and academically. He has always had a lot of friends, but they were the same ones since Kindergarten. This year he went to a school where only 4 kids from his old school were going and there are close to 2000 kids there. He has done very well.  Now I must admit that fracturing your neck the first week of school at a school camp is probably not the best idea, but he loved the stories he heard floating around of how it happened. He had a lot of great classes and one horrible one which forced me to lodge a formal complaint against a teacher. He learned about what he likes to do but doesn't want to do as a career and got some ideas about what he might want to do as a career, which is a huge step for him. He gained a great reputation for being a kind and polite student and is well thought of by his teachers. High school has been a wonderful experience for him so far and we are thrilled with what he has accomplished.

Sterling has done amazing this year. Once again on the Honor Roll with his excellent marks. He decided on his post-secondary course of study and excelled in his classes surrounding that this year. He was offered many opportunities to join the Specialized High Skills Major field trips for 11th grade students (although he was only in 10th) and shined at an important event in Toronto early this Spring. He has been accepted to the High Skills Major Graphic Design program for the Fall and secured a Co-op placement doing design work at the college he hopes to attend. He joined the yearbook club and did amazingly well and loved it! He had the opportunity to photograph one of the sports teams in action for the yearbook and had a great time with that opportunity, taking 95 photos. His teachers tell me that he is an amazing young man, far more mature than his years and a pleasure to teach. He found a new love in World History and gave up and option for next year in order to take another History class.

I'm thrilled to say there were no romances this year. Thrilled! But I am not stupid enough to think I will be so lucky next year.  Homeschooling maybe?

The boys both continued with their volunteering (a mandatory 40 hours are needed in order to graduate) and I can tell you they both have over 200 so far. Kaedo is very involved involved in the Y, volunteering 12 hours a week and hoping to volunteer in a vet clinic through the Summer. Sterling is co-leading the youth program at his Y and volunteering with his Interact group.

There is much to say about the Summer excitement but I will bore you no longer. Needless to say, we have worked hard as a family to insure their success and are so very proud of them and the men they are becoming.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Happy F.A.D!

In our house it has been decreed that it is no longer Father's Day, but Father's Appreciation Day, so Happy FAD to all the dads out there.

While my hardworking, long haired, football-loving, not-a-grey-hair-in-sight, getting-better-looking-each-year husband drives me crazy sometimes, one thing is always 100%, unquestionably true - he is a fantastic father. Our boys are so lucky to have him as their dad. He works hard all day and comes home after fighting traffic, grabs supper, helps with math homework, takes Sterling to the gym, watches a show with Kaedo, takes the time to find out about their days and asks them the questions that matter (Is she cute? did you kiss her?)

He has been an amazing dad from the beginning. Never losing focus of the goals we made - to raise the best kids we could. To him, that is #1 - because really, screw up raising them and who really cares what else you do in your life.

I am honored to have him by my side in this lifelong journey of raising and guiding and helping and cherishing the two most important people in the world.

So Craig, from me to you - thank you for being such an amazing dad, your hard work has paid off - they are magnificent and that's you, baby ( well, and me, but you too). This dad thing? You're a natural.

I love you and thank you.

As for the other important dads in my life -
DAD - you plain old ROCK! You have the best laugh, give the best hugs and your love of life and innate kindness show through in everything you do. Thanks for all those 2am pick-ups, always having jellybeans for the boys when they were little, the ring you gave me THAT I ALWAYS WEAR, and the texts you send that are short and sweet and mean so very much. I love you.

STAN - what do you say about a man who welcomed me into his home (man that was the best first meeting EVER) when it was -30 and I was wearing sandals, who accepted me into his family when I was that "crazy chick my son is dating - what do you mean he wants to marry her"?, and for always treating me with such kindness and consideration. You may very well be the sweetest, most lovely man I have ever met. I love you.

KELLY - Another kick-ass dad, who in my opinion does not sleep, as according to his blog there is no way he could with everything he does with his munchkins. You are awesome!

So Happy FAD everyone! May the force be with you.

Friday, 13 June 2014


Wow! 10 girls fell in love with him on the way home.  'Nuff said!

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Our First Cookout

On Saturday night Kaedo, Craig and I had our first cookout! It was so fun. We had hotdogs, and chips and 'smores. Our 'smores were quite fancy too, as Craig and I don't like graham crackers, we bought Arrowroot cookies instead. We also couldn't decide about the chocolate, so we bought Caramilk (Kaedo's fave), Aero and Dairy Milk.

Kaedo loved building the fire and I'm surprised no one called the fire department from all the smoke billowing out of our backyard. It was so fun!

Saturday, 7 June 2014


PLANNING a fun summer with my boys

THINKING maybe it's time to go back to work - but do I want to give up what I provide for our family right now? Can't do both. And don't comment that you can, because you're full of shit

FEELING calm. The weather is beautiful, my family is happy and my dog is damn cute

WISHING for a little more money. Who isn't? Guess that goes back to the job thing...

READING anything by Kristan Higgins I can get my hands on. Getting ready to tackle the latest Fiona Walker. Woot Woot

STARTING crocheting hats for the Christmas season - no you won't be getting a hat as a gift - keep your pants on

WATCHING the last episode of season 6 of Castle. By far my favorite show EVER!

PICKING my nose (just kidding)

WEARING white sleeveless t-shirt and 3/4 jeans

LEARNING that this mid-life crisis will pass

SMELLING Kaedo's deoderant. Old Spice. He smells great!

WANTING ongoing happiness and health. It's my turn right?

LOVING being with my guys. Families rock!

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Our House

We had a pretty shitty May around here, but June is bound to be better. With warm weather, sunshine, flowers and cook-outs, not to mention the end of the school year, the countdown to some much needed holidays for Craig and a very adorable dog who is a joy to have.

This year we decided to do some much needed vamping on the exterior of our house. The deck needed painting, the crumbling brick needed to be repaired and things just needed to be spruced up. We have spent the last few weeks doing this, and while not quite complete, we are very happy with the results so far:

The back deck and our new firepit

Closeup of firepit and base that Craig made - our awful lack of grass due to years of trampolines and swimming pools

Kaedo's garden - peppers, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, watermelon and peas

Front deck

Front flowerbed

Strawberry plant

We are very lucky I think that we live in a climate that has humidity, rain, bright sunshine and a great growing season. So there you have it. We are looking forward to some hotdog roasts, smores and family time.

It's good to be back.